Building material
and wood moisture meter
EN User manual 1
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Влагомер древесины
и строительных материалов
Hydro Test
User manual
Moisture meter
Congratulations on your purchase of moisture meter Hydro
Safety instructions provided in this user manual should be
carefully read before you use the product for the first time.
Attention! This user manual is an essential part of this
The user manual should be read carefully before you use the
product for the first time. If the product is given to someone
for temporary use, be sure to enclose user manual to it.
- Do not misuse the product.
- Use and store the product beyond reach of children and
unauthorized people.
- Caution! The measuring sensors are sharp. Always put on the
protective cover after using the product.
- It is prohibited to disassemble or repair the product yourself.
Entrust product repair to qualified personnel and use original
spare parts only.
- Do not use the product in explosive environment, close to
flammable materials.
- Avoid heating the batteries to avoid the risk of explosion and
electrolyte leakage. In case of liquid contact with skin, wash
it immediately with soap and water. In case of contact with
eyes, flush with clean water during 10 minutes and consult the
Moisture meter Hydro CONDTROL is designed for fast
measurement of moisture in wood and building materials
(wood, stone, concrete, etc.). It determines the water content
of the material based on conductivity caused by the water
that is present in the materials.
The measurement value is shown on the display in %.
1 Protective cap
2 Measuring sensors
3 Battery cover
4 Display
5 Button of material selection
6 Button for holding measurement result on the display/
display ambient temperature in °C or °F.
7 Switch on/off the device
1 Measurement result in %
2 Material number
3 Indication of battery status
4 Indication of holding measurement result on the display
5 Ambient temperature in °C or °F
Measuring range:
- Wood 6 - 44 %
- Cement screed 1.4 - 7.4 %
- Anhydride screed 0.0 - 4.1 %
- Cement mortar 0.8 - 5.1 %
- Lime mortar 0.4 - 3.7 %
- Brick 0.0 - 8.5 %
Accuracy ±2%
Minimal unit displayed 0.1%
Automatic shutdown 2 min
Continuous operating time (battery) 100 hours
Operating temperature 0…+40 °C
Storage temperature 0…+45 °C
Storage humidity 0…80 %
Power supply 1 x 6F22/6LR61 9V
Dimensions 135*50*32 mm
Weight 65 g
1 Moisture meter – 1 pc.
2 Battery 9V 6F22/6LR61 – 1 pc.
3 User manual – 1 pc.
Hydro Test
Insert/replace the battery
Remove the battery cover. Install the battery observing
correct polarity. Put the battery cover back till it stops going
Replace the battery as soon as the symbol appears
on the display.
Remove the battery from the device if it is not used for a long
time to avoid corrosion and battery discharge.
Switch on/off
Short press button to switch on/off the device.
In order to save the battery power the device will switch off
automatically within 2 minutes after the last operation.
Before use
The measurement sensors (2) must both come into contact
with the material surface at the same time.
With rough surfaces, the pressure on the measurement
sensors may need to be increased.
With sensitive surfaces, do not perform the measurement on a
position that is not within the field of view. The measurements
sensors are sharp and could possibly penetrate/damage the
Rub damp residues on the surface dry prior to the
Perform the measurement on various positions and determine
an average one.
Salts can increase the conductivity of water. The measurement
can be falsified because of this and could be too low.
Short press button to switch on the device.
The display will show the moisture level 0.0 %, the value of
the ambient temperature in °C or °F and the selected material.
To display the ambient temperature in degrees Celsius or
Fahrenheit, press and hold the button for 5 seconds.
If 0.0 % is not shown in the display after switching on, a
calibration can be performed. For this, open the battery
compartment, remove the connected battery and press the
reset button situated in the centre of the base using a sharp
Short press button MATERIAL repeatedly to select the
material to be measured:
Number Material Measuring range, %
1Wood 6 - 44 %
2Cement screed 1.4 - 7.4 %
3Anhydride screed 0.0 - 4.1 %
4Cement mortar 0.8 - 5.1 %
5 Lime mortar 0.4 - 3.7 %
6Brick 0.0 - 8.5 %
For measurements that are below the measuring range, 0.0 %
or Lo is shown in the display.
For measurements above the measuring range, Hı is shown
in the display.
Remove the protective cap. Press both of the measuring
sensors against the surface. Do not apply excessive force as it
may damage the sensors.
After 1-2 seconds, the measurement result is displayed in %.
If the measurement is taken in an area where the display
cannot be read off, short press button once to hold
the measurement result on the display. Indication will
appear on the display. To perform the next measurement short
press button . Indication will disappear and you
will exit data hold mode.
After work short press the button to switch off the
device and put protective cover back.
Problem Possible causes and
Measurement result is
obviously too high or too
Check if:
1) correct material is
selected (check paragraph
2) Measuring sensors are
pressed correctly against the
Repeat the measurement.
Display shows Lo or Hı.Measurement result is below/
above the measuring range.
Display doesn’t respond. Check if the symbol is
reflected on the display.
Short press .
Display image is barely
Battery is low. Replace the
Attention! This device is a precision instrument and
requires careful handling. Maintenance of the following
recommendations will extend the life of the device:
- Protect the device from bumps, falling and intense vibration;
do not allow moisture, dust and foreign objects get inside the
- If liquids get inside the device, first remove the batteries,
then contact a service center.
- Do not store and use the device in increased humidity
- Do not store the product in rooms where temperature is
below -10°С. After storage in low temperature conditions
and subsequent transfer to a warm room, the device heats
up, causing moisture condense inside the device and damage
- Do not expose the device to direct sunlight and protect it
from prolonged exposure to sunlight and high temperature.
- Clean the device with a soft cloth slightly made damp with a
mild soap solution. Do not use cleaning solvents or abrasives.
Failure to observe the following rules may lead to electrolyte
leakage from the batteries and damage the device:
- Remove the batteries from the device if you don’t use it for
a long time.
- Do not leave discharged batteries in the device.
- Avoid heating the batteries to avoid the risk of explosion and
electrolyte leakage. In case of liquid contact with skin, wash
it immediately with soap and water. In case of contact with
eyes, flush with clean water during 10 minutes and consult the
Expired tools, accessories and package should be passed
for waste recycle. Please send the product to the following
address for proper recycle:
Wasserburger Strasse 9
84427 Sankt Wolfgang
Do not throw the product in municipal waste!
According to European directive 2002/96/ЕC expired
measuring tools and their components must be collected
separately and submitted to environmentally friendly recycle
of wastes.
All CONDTROL GmbH products go through post-production
control and are governed by the following warranty terms. The
buyer’s right to claim about defects and general provisions of
the current legislation do not expire.
1) CONDTROL GmbH agrees to eliminate all defects in the
product, discovered while warranty period, that represent the
defect in material or workmanship in full volume and at its own
2) The warranty period is 24 months and starts from the date
of purchase by the end customer (see the original supporting
3) The warranty doesn’t cover defects resulting from wear
and tear or improper use, malfunction of the product caused
by failure to observe the instructions of this user manual,
untimely maintenance and service and insufficient care, the
use of non-original accessories and spare parts. Modifications
in design of the product relieve the seller from responsibility
for warranty works. The warranty does not cover cosmetic
damage, that doesn’t hinder normal operation of the product.
4) CONDTROL GmbH reserves the right to decide on
replacement or repair of the device.
5) Other claims not mentioned above, are not covered by the
6) After holding warranty works by CONDTROL GmbH
warranty period is not renewed or extended.
7) CONDTROL GmbH is not liable for loss of profit or
inconvenience associated with a defect of the device, rental
cost of alternative equipment for the period of repair.
This warranty applies to German law except provision of the
United Nations Convention on contracts for the international
sale of goods (CISG).
In warranty case please return the product to retail seller or
send it with description of defect to the following address:
Wasserburger Strasse 9
84427 Sankt Wolfgang
Hydro Test
Руководство пользователя
Поздравляем с приобретением влагомера Hydro Test
Перед первым использованием прибора, пожалуйста,
внимательно ознакомьтесь с правилами безопасности,
приведенными в данном руководстве по эксплуатации.
Внимание! Данная инструкция по эксплуатации является
неотъемлемой частью Вашего прибора. Прежде чем
приступить к работе с прибором, внимательно прочтите
инструкцию. При передаче прибора во временное
пользование обязательно прилагайте к нему данную
- Не используйте прибор не по назначению.
- Храните прибор вне досягаемости детей и посторонних
- Осторожно! Измерительные электроды имеют острую
форму. После использования прибора всегда надевайте
защитную крышку.
- Не разбирайте и не ремонтируйте прибор
самостоятельно. Обслуживание и ремонт следует
поручать только квалифицированным специалистам и с
применением оригинальных запасных частей.
- Не используйте прибор во взрывоопасной среде, вблизи
легковоспламеняющихся материалов.
- Не допускайте нагревания элементов питания во
избежание риска взрыва и вытекания электролита. При
попадании жидкости на кожу немедленно промойте
пораженный участок водой с мылом. В случае попадания
в глаза, промойте их чистой водой в течение 10 минут,
затем обратитесь к врачу.
Влагомер Hydro Test CONDTROL предназначен для
оперативного измерения влажности древесины и
строительных материалов (дерево, камень, бетон). Он
определяет содержание влаги в материале на основе
проводимости, вызванной водой, которая присутствует
в различных материалах. Значение отображается на
дисплее в процентах.
1 Защитная крышка
2 Измерительные электроды
3 Крышка батарейного отсека
4 Дисплей
5 Кнопка выбора материала
6 Кнопка удержания результата измерения на дисплее/
отображения температуры окружающей среды в °C или °F.
7 Кнопка включения / выключения
1 Результат измерения влажности в %
2 Тип материала
3 Индикатор уровня заряда батареи
4 Индикатор удержания результатов измерения на
5 Значение температуры окружающей среды в °C и °F
Диапазон измерений:
- Древесина 6 - 44 %
- Бетонная стяжка 1.4 - 7.4 %
- Сухая стяжка 0.0 - 4.1 %
- Песчано - цементный раствор 0.8 - 5.1 %
- Известковый раствор 0.4 - 3.7 %
- Кирпич 0.0 - 8.5 %
Погрешность измерений ±2%
Дискрета измерения 0.1%
Автоматическое выключение 2 мин
Время работы (батарея) 100 часов
Температура эксплуатации 0…+40 °C
Температура хранения 0…+45 °C
Относительная влажность при
хранении 0…80 %
Элементы питания 1 x 6F22/6LR61 9В
Габариты 135*50*32 мм
Вес 65 г
1. Прибор – 1 шт.
2. Элементы питания 9V6F22/6LR61 – 1 шт.
3. Руководство пользователя – 1 шт.
Установка/замена элементов питания
Снимите крышку батарейного отсека. Установите элемент
питания, соблюдая полярность. Установите крышку
обратно до щелчка.
При появлении индикатора на дисплее замените
элемент питания на новый.
Вынимайте элемент питания из прибора, если он
длительное время не используется во избежание
коррозии и разряда батарей.
Коротким нажатием на кнопку включите/выключите
Для экономии заряда батарей прибор автоматически
выключается через 2 минуты после последнего действия.