HOTPOINT/ARISTON LSTB 6B00 EU Руководство пользователя

  • Здравствуйте! Я — чат-бот, который прочитал инструкцию по эксплуатации посудомоечной машины Hotpoint Ariston LSTB 4B00. Я могу ответить на ваши вопросы о её установке, использовании различных программ, решении возможных проблем и других аспектах работы. В инструкции подробно описаны режимы работы, загрузка, использование моющих средств, а также меры безопасности. Задавайте свои вопросы!
  • Как установить жесткость воды в посудомоечной машине?
    Какое количество комплектов посуды вмещает машина?
    Что делать, если загорелся индикатор низкого уровня соли?
    Как подключить посудомоечную машину к водопроводу?
Operating instructions
Operating instructions, 1
Precautions and advice, 2-3
Assistance, 8
Product Data, 9
Installation, 11-12
Description of the appliance, 13
Refined salt and rinse aid, 14
Loading the racks, 15-16
Detergent and dishwasher use, 17
Wash cycles, 18
Care and maintenance, 19
Troubleshooting, 20
Упутство за употребу
Упутства за употребу, 1
Упоѕорења и савети, 3-4
Подршка, 8
Картица производа, 10
Постављање, 21-22
Опис апарата, 23
Регенеришућа со и средство за сјај, 24
Попуњавање корпи, 25-26
Детерџент и коришћење машине, 27
Програми, 28
Одржавање и чишћење, 29
Кварови и решења, 30
Upute za uporabu
Upute za uporabu
, 1
Mjere predostrožnosti i savjeti, 4-5
Servisiranje, 9
List proizvoda, 10
Postavljanje, 31-32
Opis aparata, 33
Regenerirajuća sol i sredstvo za sjaj, 34
Stavljanje posuđa na police, 35-36
Deterdžent i uporaba perilice posuđa, 37
Programi, 38
Održavanje i čišćenje, 39
Nepravilnosti i rješenja, 40
Руководство по эксплуатации
Руководство по эксплуатации, 1
Меры предосторожности и рекомендации, 5-6-7
Установка, 41-42
Техническая спецификация изделия, 43
Описание изделия, 44
Регенерирующая соль и Ополаскиватель, 45
Загрузка корзин, 46-47
Моющее средство и использование посудомоечной
машины, 48
Программы, 49
Техническое обслуживание и уход, 50
Неисправности и методы их устранения, 51
Сервисное обслуживание,
Пайдалану нұсқаулығы
Пайдалану нұсқаулығы, 1
Сақтық шаралары мен кеңес, 7-8
Көмек, 9
Орнату, 53-54
Өнім парақшасы, 55
Құрылғы сипаттамасы, 56
Тазаланған тұз және шаюға көмекші зат, 57
Тартпаларға жүктеу, 58-59
Жуғыш зат пен ыдыс жуу машинасын қолдану, 60
Жуу циклдары, 61
Күтім және техникалық қызмет көрсету, 62
Ақаулықтарды жою, 63
Precautions and advice
This appliance was designed and
manufactured in compliance with international
safety standards. The following information
has been provided for safety reasons and
should be read carefully.
Keep this instruction manual in a safe place
for future reference. If the appliance is sold,
given away or moved, make sure the manual
is kept with the machine.
Read the instructions carefully, as they
include important information on safe
installation, use and maintenance.
This appliance was designed for domestic
use or similar applications, for example:
- farmhouses;
- use by guests in hotels, motels and other
residential settings;
- bed & breakfasts.
Remove the appliance from all packaging
and make sure it was not damaged during
transportation. If it was damaged, contact
the retailer and do not proceed any further
with the installation process.
General safety
This appliance should not be operated
by children younger than 8 years, people
with reduced physical, sensory or mental
capacities, or inexperienced people
who are not familiar with the product,
unless they are given close supervision
or instructions on how to use it safely and
are made aware by a responsible person
of the dangers its use might entail.
Children must not play with the appliance.
It is the user's responsibility to clean and
maintain the appliance. Children should
never clean or maintain it unless they are
given supervision.
The appliance was designed for domestic
use inside the home and is not intended
for commercial or industrial use.
The appliance must be used to wash
domestic crockery in accordance with the
instructions in this manual.
The appliance must not be installed
outdoors, even in covered areas. It is
extremely dangerous to leave the machine
exposed to rain and storms.
Do not touch the appliance when barefoot.
When unplugging the appliance always
pull the plug from the mains socket. Do
not pull on the cable.
The water supply tap must be shut off
and the plug should be removed from
the electrical socket at the end of every
cycle and before cleaning the appliance
or carrying out any maintenance work.
The maximum number of place settings is
shown in the product sheet.
If the appliance breaks down, do not under
any circumstances touch the internal parts
in an attempt to perform the repair work
Do not lean or sit on the open door: this
may cause the appliance to overturn.
The door should not be left open as it may
create a dangerous obstacle.
Keep detergent and rinse aid out of reach
of children.
The packaging material should not be
used as a toy.
Knives and other utensils with sharp
edges must be placed either with the
points/blades facing downwards in the
cutlery basket or horizontally on the tip-up
compartments or in the tray/third basket,
if available.
Connect the appliance to the water mains
using the new supply hose provided with
the appliance. Do not re-use the old hose.
Install the back side of a free-standing
dishwasher against a wall.
To dispose of any packaging materials,
follow local legislation so that the
packagings may be reused.
The European Directive 2012/19/EU
relating to Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) states that household
appliances should not be disposed of
using the normal solid urban waste cycle.
Exhausted appliances should be collected
separately in order to optimise the cost of
reusing and recycling the materials inside
the machine, while preventing potential
damage to the atmosphere and public
health. The crossed-out dustbin symbol
shown on all products reminds the owners
of their obligations regarding separated
waste collection.
For further information relating to the correct
disposal of household appliances, owners
may contact the relevant public authority or
the local appliance dealer.
Saving energy and respecting the
Saving water and energy
Only begin a wash cycle when the
dishwasher is full. While waiting for the
dishwasher to be filled, prevent unpleasant
odours with the Soak cycle
(if available, see
Wash Cycles).
Select a wash cycle that is suited to the
type of crockery and to the soil level using
the Table of Wash Cycles:
- For dishes with a normal soil level, use
the Eco wash cycle, which guarantees low
energy and water consumption levels.
- If the load is smaller than usual activate
the Half Load option
(see Special wash cycles
and options, if available).
If your electricity supply contract gives
details of electricity-saving time bands, run
the wash cycles when electricity prices are
lower. The Delayed Start option can help
you organise the wash cycles accordingly
(see Special wash cycles and options, if available).
Мере предострожности и
Уређај је пројектован и направљен у
складу са међународним сигурносним
прописима. Ова упозорења су дата из
сигурносних разлога и треба их пажљиво
Ову књижицу важно је сачувати како бисте
могли да је консултујете у сваком тренутку. У
случају продаје, уступања или премештања,
постарајте се да остане уз уређај.
Прочитајте пажљиво упутства: дају важне
информације о постављању, употреби и
Овај уређај је пројектован за кућну употребу
или сличне примене, на пример:
- просторије које се користе као кухиња за
раднике у радњама, канцеларијама и на
другим радним местима;
- сеоске куће;
- употреба од стране клијената у хотелу,
мотелу и другим срединама за становање;
- објекти који нуде ноћење с доручком.
Отпакујте уређај и проверите да није
претрпео оштећења током транспорта. Ако
је оштећен, не прикључујте га и позовите
Општа сигурност
Овај електрични кућни уређај могу да
користе деца која нису млађа од 8 година
и особе са смањеним физичким, чулним
или менталним способностима, односно
особе без искуства и познавања уређаја,
само ако имају надзор или инструкције
везане за безбедно коришћење уређаја
и разумевање потенцијалних опасности.
Деца не смеју да се играју уређајем.
Деца не смеју да се играју са уређајем.
Чишћење и одржавање уређаја мора да
обавља корисник. Деца без надзора не
смеју то да обављају.
Уређај је пројектован за непрофесионалну
употребу у кућним условима.
Уређај треба да се користи за прање судова
у кућној употреби и то могу радити само
одрасле особе у складу са упутствима
датим у овој књижици.
Уређај не сме да се поставља на отворено,
чак и ако је простор наткривен, јер је веома
опасно остављати га изложеног киши и
Машину за прање судова не додирујте
босим стопалима.
Утикач не извлачите из утичнице
повлачењем за кабл, него хватањем за
Пре радњи чишћења и одржавања,
неопходно је да затворите славину за воду
и извучете утикач из утичнице.
Максималан број стоних прибора је
означен на картици производа.
У случају квара, ни у ком случају не
приступајте унутрашњим механизмима у
покушају поправке.
Не ослањајте се и не седајте на отворена
врата: уређај би се могао преврнути.
Врата не смеју остати у отвореном
положају јер могу представљати опасност
од спотицања.
Детерџент и средство за сјај држите ван
домашаја деце.
Паковања нису играчке за децу.
Ножеви и прибор са оштрим врховима
треба да буду постављени у корпицу за
прибор са врховима окренутим надоле
или смештени у преграде горње корпе у
хоризонталном положају.
Апарат мора да буде повезан са
водоводном мрежом помоћу новог
доводног црева, док старо доводно црево
не сме поново да се користи.
Ако је машина за прање судова независна,
задњу страну машине треба поставити уз
Одлагање амбалаже на отпад:
придржавајте се локалних прописа,
тако ће амбалажа моћи да се употреби
Европска уредба 2012/19/CE о отпаду
електричних и електронских уређаја
(RAEE), предвиђа да кућне уређаје не
треба одлагати у редовним токовима
чврстог градског отпада. Овакве
уређаје треба одвојено сакупити како
би се повећала стопа корисног отпада
и рециклаже материјала од којих су
сачињени и спречило потенцијално
нарушавање здравља људи и загађење
животне средине. Такви производи носе
ознаку прецртане корпе за отпатке која
указује на обавезу посебног одлагања.
За даље информације о правилном
одлагању кућних уређаја власници
могу да се обрате јавној служби
предвиђеној за ове послове или
Уштеда и очување животне средине
Уштеда воде и енергије
Машину покретати само када је пуна. У
чекању да се машина напуни, спречите
непријатне мирисе помоћу циклуса
де је доступан погледајте одељак
Изаберите програм који одговара
типу судова и степену запрљаности
консултујући Табелу програма:
- за нормално запрљане судове
користите програм Eкo, који осигурава
ниску потрошњу енергије и воде.
- ако је пуњење смањено, активирајте
опцију Половично пуњење*
(ако је
доступно погледајте одељак „Специјални
програми и опције“).
Ако ваш уговор о потрошњи електричне
енергије предвиђа временске периоде
потрошње енергије, прање обављајте
у периоду када је струја јефтина.
Опција Одложено покретање* може
вам помоћи у организовању оваквог
ако је доступна погледајте одељак
„Специјални програми и опције“).
Mjere predostrožnosti i
Ovaj aparat je osmišljen i proizveden u
skladu s međunarodnim sigurnosnim
propisima. Upozorenja koja slijede daju se
u svrhu sigurnosti i potrebno ih je pozorno
Važno je sačuvati ove upute kako bi ih
mogli proučiti u svakom trenutku. U slučaju
prodaje, ustupanja ili seljenja, provjerite da
se nalaze zajedno s aparatom.
Pažljivo pročitajte upute: one sadrže
važne obavijesti o postavljanju, uporabi i
Ovaj aparat je projektiran za kućnu uporabu
ili za slične primjene, na primjer:
– seoske kuće;
korištenje od strane mušterija u hotelima,
motelima i drugim boravišnim mjestima;
– noćenje s doručkom.
Raspakujte aparat i provjerite da se u
prijevozu nije oštetio. Ako je oštećen,
nemojte ga priključivati i obratite se
Sigurnost općenito
Ovaj električni kućanski aparat mogu
koristiti djeca u dobi od najmanje 8
godina i osobe sa smanjenim tjelesnim,
osjetilnim ili umnim sposobnostima,
odnosno bez iskustva ili potrebnog
znanja pod uvjetom da su pod strogim
nadzorom odgovorne osobe ili su
upućeni u sigurnu uporabu uređaja i
razumiju opasnosti u vezi s njim.
Djeca se ne smiju igrati s aparatom.
Čišćenje i održavanje aparata treba
obavljati korisnik. To ne smiju obavljati
djeca bez nadzora.
Ovaj je aparat namijenjen neprofesionalnoj
uporabi u kućanstvu.
Ovaj aparat treba koristiti za pranje
posuđa u kućanstvu i to slijedeći upute
navedene u ovom priručniku.
Ovaj se aparat ne smije postavljati
na otvorenom, čak ni ako se radi o
natkrivenom prostoru, jer je vrlo opasno
izložiti ga kiši i nevremenu.
Nemojte dirati perilicu posuđa ako ste
Nemojte izvlačiti utikač iz utičnice
povlačenjem kabela, nego hvatajući utikač.
Na kraju svakog ciklusa i prije čišćenja
i održavanja treba zatvoriti slavinu za
vodu i izvući utikač iz utičnice.
Maksimalni broj kompleta posuđa se
navodi na listu proizvoda.
U slučaju kvara, ni u kom slučaju nemojte
dirati unutrašnje mehanizme i pokušavati
sami vršiti popravak.
Nemojte se naslanjati niti sjedati na
otvorena vrata: aparat bi se mogao
Vrata se ne smije držati otvorena jer
postoji opasnost da se zapne za njih.
Držite deterdžent i sredstvo za sjaj izvan
dohvata djece.
Ambalaža nije igračka za djecu.
Noževe i pribor s oštrim vrhovima treba
staviti u košaricu za pribor s vrhovima/
sječivima okrenutim prema dolje ili
namjestiti u vodoravnom položaju na
preklopne police, odnosno u pliticu/treću
policu kod modela koji je imaju.
Aparat treba priključiti na vodovodnu
mrežu spajanjem nove dovodne cijevi;
ne smije se ponovno koristiti staru
dovodnu cijev.
Ako ćete perilicu posuđa postaviti kao
samostojeću, ona mora biti stražnjom
stranom okrenuta prema zidu.
Rashodovanje ambalažnog materijala:
pridržavajte se lokalnih propisa, tako će
se ambalaža moći ponovno iskoristiti.
Europska direktiva 2012/19/EZ o
električnom i elektroničkom otpadu
(RAEE) propisuje da se električne
kućanske aparate ne smije odlagati
zajedno s običnim krutim komunalnim
otpadom. Rashodovane aparate
potrebno je posebno skupljati u svrhu
što uspješnijeg spašavanja i recikliranja
materijala od kojih su oni sačinjeni te
u svrhu sprječavanja moguće štete
po ljudsko zdravlje i okoliš. Simbol
prekriženog koša za smeće otisnut je na
svim proizvodima da bi vas posjetio na
obvezu odvojenog sakupljanja.
Radi podrobnijih obavijesti o ispravnom
rashodovanju kućanskih aparata imaoci
se mogu obratiti nadležnoj javnoj službi
ili preprodavačima.
Ušteda i poštivanje okoliša
Štednja vode i električne struje
Pokrenite perilicu posuđa samo kad
je puna. Dok se stroj ne napuni,
ciklus “Namakanje” će vam pomoći u
sprječavanju stvaranja neugodnih mirisa
(gdje postoji – vidi “Programi”)
Odaberite program pogodan vrsti posuđa
i stupnju njegove zaprljanosti slijedeći
upute iz Tablice programa:
- za uobičajeno prljavo posuđe koristite
program “Eko” koji jamči nisku potrošnju
struje i vode;
- ako je posuđa malo, pokrenite način “Pola
(gdje postoji vidi “Specijalni programi i
načini pranja”).
Ako vaš ugovor o opskrbi električnom
strujom predviđa dvotarifnu cijenu,
obavljajte pranje u satima po nižoj cijeni.
Način “Odgoda početka” može vam
pomoći u organiziranju pranja u tom
gdje postoji vidi “Specijalni programi i
načini pranja”).
Меры предосторожности
и рекомендации
Изделие спроектировано и изготовлено
в соответствии с международными
нормативами по безопасности. Настоящие
инструкции составлены в целях вашей
безопасности и должны быть внимательно
Важно сохранить данное руководство
для его последующих консультации. В
случае продажи, передачи или переезда
проверьте, чтобы данное техническое
руководство сопровождало изделие.
Необходимо внимательно прочитать
настоящие инструкции: в них содержатся
важные сведения об установке изделия,
его эксплуатации и безопасности.
Данное изделие предназначено для
бытового или другого аналогичного
использования, например:
- в агротуристических усадьбах;
- для использования проживающими в
гостинице, мотеле и в других временных
местах проживания;
- в гостиницах типа «номер с завтраком».
Снимите упаковку с изделия и проверьте,
чтобы на нем не было повреждений,
нанесенных при транспортировке.
При обнаружении повреждений не
подсоединяйте машину, а обратиться к
Общие требования к безопасности
• Данный бытовой электроприбор может
быть использован детьми не младше
8 лет и лицами с ограниченными
физическими сенсорными или
умственными способностями или не
обладающими достаточным опытом или
знанием о работе подобного прибора,
под наблюдением или после обучения
безопасному пользованию прибором и
усвоения связанных с ним опасностей.
• Не разрешайте детям играть с прибором.
Чистка и уход за прибором должны
выполняться пользователем. Не поручать
чистку и уход детям без контроля.
Данное изделие предназначается для
непрофессионального использования в
домашних условиях.
Изделие предназначено для мытья
посуды в домашних условиях, может
быть использовано только в соответствии
с инструкциями, приведенными в данном
техническом руководстве.
Запрещается устанавливать изделие
на улице, даже под навесом, так как
воздействие на него дождя и грозы
является чрезвычайно опасным.
Не прикасайтесь к посудомоечной
машине с босыми ногами.
Не тяните за сетевой кабель для
отсоединения вилки изделия из сетевой
розетки, возьмитесь за штепсельную
вилку рукой.
• Необходимо перекрыть водопроводный
кран и вынуть штепсельную вилку из
сетевой розетки в конце каждого цикла
и перед началом чистки и технического
Максимальное количество столовых
приборов указывается в технической
спецификации изделия.
В случае неисправности категорически
запрещается открывать внутренние
механизмы изделия с целью их
самостоятельного ремонта.
Не опирайтесь и не садитесь на
открытую дверцу машины: машина может
• Не держите дверцу открытой, так как об
нее можно случайно споткнуться.
Храните моющие средства и
ополаскиватель вдали от детей.
Не разрешайте детям играть с
упаковочными материалами.
Ножи и кухонные принадлежность с
заостренными краями необходимо
укладывать острым концом/лезвием вниз
в корзине для столовых приборов или в
горизонтальном положении на откидных
полках или в лоток/третью корзину в
моделях, где предусмотрен.
Прибор должен быть подсоединен к
водопроводу посредством новой трубы
подачи, не использовать старую трубу
для подачи.
Если посудомоечная машина не
встраивается в мебельный элемент, ее
задняя панель должна быть обращена к
Утилизация упаковочных материалов:
соблюдайте местные нормативы по
утилизации упаковочных материалов.
• Согласно Европейской Директиве 2012/19/
СЕ касательно утилизации электронных и
электрических электроприборов (RAEE),
электроприборы не могут утилизироваться
вместе с обычным городским мусором.
Выведенные из строя приборы должны
собираться отдельно для оптимизации их
утилизации и рекуперации составляющих
их материалов, а также для безопасности
окружающей среды и здоровья человека.
Символ зачеркнутая мусорная корзинка,
имеющийся на всех приборах, служит
напоминанием об их отдельной
За более подробной информацией
о правильной утилизации бытовых
электроприборов пользователи
могут обратиться в специальную
государственную организацию или в
Энергосбережение и охрана
окружающей среды
Экономия воды и электроэнергии
Используйте посудомоечную машину
только с полной загрузкой. В ожидании
полного заполнения машины избежать
образования неприятных запахов можно
с помощью цикла Ополаскивание
доступен - см.Программы).
Выбирайте программу мойки, подходящую
для данного типа посуды и степени
загрязнения в соответствии с Таблицей
- для нормально грязной посуды
используйте программу Есо,
обеспечивающую низкий расход
электроэнергии и воды.
- если машина загружена не полностью,
включите дополнительную функцию
Половина загрузки
де доступна, см.
Специальные программы и Дополнительные
Если ваш контракт с поставщиком
электроэнергии предусматривает
разные часовые тарифы для экономии
электроэнергии, пользуйтесь машиной
во время с льготным тарифом.
Дополнительная функция Запуск с
задержкой поможет оптимально
организовать мойку
де доступна,
см.Специальные программы и Дополнительные
Жалпы қауіпсіздік
Құрылғыны қауіпсіз түрде қолдану
бойынша жауапты адам нұсқау бермеген
не жақсылап бақыламаған я оған қатысты
қауіптер туралы хабарламаған жағдайда,
8 жасқа толмаған балалар, физикалық,
сезімталдық және психикалық қабілеттері
төмен адамдар немесе өнімнен хабары
жоқ тәжірибесіз адамдар құрылғыны
қолданбауы тиіс.
Балаларға құрылғымен ойнауға
Құрылғыны тазалау және оған күтім көрсету
пайдаланушының жауапкершілігіне
жатады. Балалар бақылаусыз құрылғыны
тазаламауы не оған күтім көрсетпеуі
• Құрылғы үйде қолдануға арналған, оны
коммерциялық немесе өндірістік тұрғыда
қолдануға болмайды.
Құрылғы үйдегі ыдыс-аяқты осы
нұсқаулықтағы нұсқауларға сәйкес жуу
үшін қолданылуға арналған.
• Жабық жер болса да, құрылғыны сыртта
қолданбау қажет. Құрылғыны жауын мен
найзағай астында қалдыру өте қауіпті
Жалаң аяқ болған кезде құрылғыға
Құрылғыны токтан ажыратқан кезде,
розеткадан әрдайым айырынан ұстап
тартыңыз. Кабелінен ұстап тартпаңыз.
• Құрылғыны тазаламас немесе кез келген
қызмет көрсету жұмысын орындамас
бұрын және әр циклдан кейін су шүмегін
жабу және айырды розеткадан ағыту
• Орын параметрлерінің ең көп саны өнім
парағында көрсетілген.
• Құрылғы бұзылып қалса, ешбір жағдайда
өз бетіңізбен жөндеу мақсатында ішкі
бөліктерге тиюші болмаңыз.
Ашық тұрған есікке сүйенбеңіз немесе
оған отырмаңыз: бұл құрылғыны аударып
түсуі мүмкін.
• Есікті ашық қалдырып кетуге болмайды,
себебі ол қауіпті кедергі болып табылады.
Жуғыш зат пен шаюға көмекші затты
балалардан аулақ ұстаңыз.
Орама материалын ойыншық ретінде
қолдануға болмайды.
• Өткір жиектері бар пышақтар мен басқа
Сақтық шаралары мен кеңес
Бұл құрылғы халықаралық қауіпсіздік
стандарттарына сай өңделіп шығарылған.
Төмендегі ақпарат қауіпсіздік мақсатында
берілген, сондықтан оны мұқият оқып шығу
Бұл нұсқаулықты кейін қарау үшін жоғалып
қалмайтындай бір жерге сақтап қойыңыз.
Құрылғы сатылса, тегін берілсе немесе
жылжытылса, нұсқаулық машинамен бірге
болатынын қамтамасыз етіңіз.
Нұсқауларды мұқият оқып шығыңыз, себебі
олардың ішінде қауіпсіз түрде орнату,
қолдану және техникалық қызмет көрсету
туралы маңызды ақпарат берілген.
Бұл құрылғы үйде немесе соған ұқсас
жағдайда қолдануға арналған, мысалы:
- фермадағы үйлер;
- қонақ үйлеріндегі, мотельдердегі және
басқа да қонақ күту орындарындағы
қонақтардың пайдалануы үшін;
- кіші қонақ үйлерінде.
Құрылғыны барлық орамасынан
босатыңыз және ол тасымалдау
кезінде зақымдалмағанын тексеріңіз.
Ол зақымдалған болса, сатушыға
хабарласыңыз және орнату үдерісін
құралдардың ұштарын/жүздерін төмен
қаратып ыдыс-аяқ себетіне салынуы
керек немесе көлденеңінен қайырмалы
бөліктерге, я болмаса тартпаға/үшінші
себетке (бар болса) қою керек.
Құрылғыны бірге берілген жаңа
құбыршекпен су желісіне жалғаңыз. Ескі
құбыршекті қолданбаңыз.
Бекітілмеген ыдыс жуу машинасының
артын қабырғаға орнатыңыз.
Қоқысқа тастау
Қаптау материалдарын тастағанда
оларды қайта пайдалану мүмкін болуы
үшін, жергілікті заңдарды сақтаңыз.
Электр және электроникалық
құралдардың қалдықтарына (WEEE)
қатысты 2012/19/EU Еуропа заңнамасына
сәйкес үй құрылғылары қалыпты
толық қалалық қалдық айналымын
пайдаланып жойылмауы тиіс. Қоршаған
орта мен халық денсаулығына тиетін
зиянның алдын ала отырып, жарамсыз
құрылғылар қайта пайдалану мен
машина ішіндегі материалдарды өңдеу
құнын оңтайландыру мақсатында бөлек
жиналуы керек. Барлық өнімдердегі
сызылған қоқыс жәшігінің таңбасы өнім
иелерінің бөлектелген қоқыс жинауға
қатысты міндетін еске салады.
Үй құрылғыларын тиісті түрде қоқысқа
тастау туралы қосымша ақпарат алу
үшін ие адамдар тиісті мекемеге
немесе жергілікті құрылғы сатушысына
хабарласуы мүмкін.
Қуатты үнемдеу және қоршаған
ортаны құрметтеу
Су мен қуатты үнемдеу
Ыдыс жуу машинасы толған кезде
ғана жуу циклын бастаңыз. Ыдыс жуу
машинасының толуын күтіп тұрғанда
жағымсыз иістердің алдын алыңыз
болса, «Жуу циклдары» бөлімін қараңыз)
«Жуу циклдары» кестесін пайдалана
отырып, ыдыс-аяқ түріне және ластану
дәрежесіне қолайлы жуу циклын
- Орташа ластанған ыдыстар үшін Эко
жуу циклын пайдаланыңыз, ол қуат пен
судың төмен деңгейі қолданылатынын
қамтамасыз етеді.
- Жүктеме әдеттегіден аз болса, Жартылай
жүктеу опциясын
(«Арнайы жуу циклдары мен
опциялары» бөлімін қараңыз (бар болса)).
• Егер ток жеткізу келісім-шартында токты
үнемдеуге арналған уақыт аралықтары
болса, төмен баға қолданылатын кезде
жуу циклдарын орындаңыз. КЕШІКТІРІП
БАСТАУ опциясы жуу циклдарын тиісті
түрде реттеуге көмектесе алады
жуу циклдары мен опциялары» бөлімін қараңыз ар
Before contacting Assistance:
Check whether the problem can be resolved using the
Troubleshooting guide
(see Troubleshooting).
Restart the programme to check whether the problem
has ceased to exist.
If the problem persists, contact the Authorised Technical
Assistance Service.
Never use the services of unauthorised technicians.
Please have the following information to hand:
The type of malfunction.
The appliance model (Mod.).
The serial number (S/N).
This information can be found on the appliance data plate
(see Description of the appliance)
Пре него што позовете Подршку:
Проверите да ли можете сами да разрешите
(види Кварови и решења)
Покрените програм како бисте проверили да ли је
неисправност отклоњена.
У случају да је одговор негативан, обратите се
ауторизованом сервису за техничку подршку.
Никада се не обраћајте неовлашћеним
врсту неисправности;
модел апарата (Мод.);
серијски број (S/N).
Ове информације налазе се на плочици са
карактеристикама постављеној на уређају
(види Опис уређаја).
Prije pozivanja Servisne službe:
provjerite možete li sami otkloniti nepravilnost u radu
(vidi “Nepravilnosti i rješenja”)
Ponovno pokrenite program radi provjere je li smetnja
Ako nije, pozovite ovlaštenu Tehničku službu servisiranja.
Nemojte se nikad obraćati neovlaštenim
vrstu nepravilnosti;
model stroja (Mod.);
serijski broj (S/N).
Ti se podaci nalaze na natpisnoj pločici na aparatu
(vidi “Opis aparata”).
Көмек қызметіне хабарласпас бұрын:
Проблеманы Ақаулықтарды жою нұсқаулығын
қолдана отырып шешуге болатынын, не болмайтынын
тексеріңіз («Ақаулықтарды жою» бөлімін қараңыз).
Бағдарламаны қайта іске қосыңыз да, проблема
кеткенін тексеріңіз.
Проблема шешілмесе, Куәландырылған техникалық
көмек беру қызметіне хабарласыңыз.
Куәландырылмаған мамандарға қызмет
Келесі мәліметтерді оңай жерде ұстаңыз:
Проблеманың түрі
Құрылғының моделі (Мод.).
Сериялық нөмірі (С/н).
Бұл ақпаратты құрылғының деректер тілімшесінде
табуға болатын («Құрылғының сипаттамасы» бөлімін
Product Fiche
Rated capacity in standard place settings (1)
Energy efciency class on a scale from A+++ (low consumption) to D (high consumption)
Energy consumption per year in kWh (2)
Energy consumption of the standard cleaning cycle in kWh
Power consumption of the off-mode in W
Power consumption of the left-on mode in W
Water consumption per year in litres (3)
Drying efcacy class on a scale from G (low efcacy) to A (high efcacy)
Programme time for standard cleaning cycle in minutes
The duration of the left-on mode in minutes
Noise in dB(A) Re 1pW
Built-in model
1) The information on the label and che relates to the standard cleaning cycle, this programme is suitable to clean normally soiled
tableware and it is the most efcient programme in terms of combined energy and water consumption. The standard cleaning cycle
corresponds to the Eco cycle.
2) Based on 280 standard cleaning cycles using cold water ll and the consumption of the low power modes. Actual energy consumption
depends on how the appliance is used.
3) Based on 280 standard cleaning cycles. Actual water consumption depends on how the appliance is used.
Product Data (product fiche)
Картица производа
Картица производа
Номинални капацитет у броју стандардних стоних прибора (1)
Класа енергетске ефикасности на скали од А+++ (мале потрошње) до Д (велике потрошње)
Годишња потрошња енергије у kWh (2)
Енергетска потрошња стандардног циклуса прања у kWh
Потрошња снаге у угашеном режиму у W
Потрошња снаге у остављеном упаљеном режиму у W
Годишња потрошња воде у литрама (3)
Класа ефикасности сушења на скали од Г (минимална ефикасност) до А
(максимална ефикасност)
Трајање програма по стандардном циклусу прања у минутима
Трајање остављеног укљученог режима у минутима
Бука у dB(A) re 1 pW
Уградни производ
1) Информација на етикети и на картици односи се на стандардни програм прања, овај програм прилагођен је прању судова који су нормално
запрљани и то је ефикаснији програм у смислу комбиноване потрошње енергије и воде. Стандардни циклус одговара циклусу ЕКО.
2) Потрошња енергије заснована на 280 стандардних годишњих циклуса са пуњењем хладне воде и према потрошњама у угашеном режиму
или остављеном упаљеном режиму по завршетку циклуса. Ефикасна потрошња зависи од начина употребе електричног кућног апарата.
3) Засновано на 280 стандардних циклуса прања. Ефикасна потрошња зависи од начина употребе уређаја.
List proizvoda
List proizvoda
Nazivni kapacitet po standardnom broju kompleta posuđa (1)
Razred energetske učinkovitosti po ljestvici od A+++ (mala potrošnja) do D (velika potrošnja)
Godišnja potrošnja električne energije u kWh (2)
Potrošnja električne energije standardnog ciklusa pranja, u kWh
Potrošnja snage u isključenom načinu, u W
Potrošnja snage u načinu "ostavljeno uključeno", u W
Godišnja potrošnja vode u l (3)
Razred učinkovitosti sušenja po ljestvici od G (minimalna učinkovitost) do A
(maksimalna učinkovitost)
Trajanje programa za standardni ciklus pranja, u minutama
Trajanje načina "ostavljeno uključeno", u minutama
Buka u dB(A) re 1 pW
Ugradni proizvod
1) Informacije na naljepnici i na listu odnose se na standardni program pranja koji je pogodan za pranje posuđa normalnog stupnja zaprljanosti, a radi
se o najučinkovitijem programu po pitanju potrošnje električne energije u kombinaciji s vodom. Standardni ciklus odgovara ciklusu EKO.
2) Potrošnja električne energije se temelji na 280 standardnih ciklusa godišnje, s uzimanjem hladne vode te na potrošnji u isključenom načinu ili načinu
"ostavljeno uključeno" nakon kraja ciklusa. Stvarna potrošnja ovisi o tome kako se električni kućanski aparat koristi.
3) Temelji se na 280 standardnih ciklusa pranja. Stvarna potrošnja ovisi o načinu korištenja električnog kućanskog aparata.
If the appliance must be moved at any time, keep it in an
upright position; if absolutely necessary, it may be tilted onto
its back.
Connecting the water supply
Adaptation of the water supply for installation should only
be performed by a qualified technician.
The water inlet and outlet hoses may be positioned towards
the right or the left in order to achieve the best possible
Make sure the dishwasher does not bend or squash the
Connecting the water inlet hose
To a 3/4” cold or hot water connection point (max. 60°C).
Run the water until it is perfectly clear.
Screw the inlet hose tightly into position and turn off the
If the inlet hose is not long enough, contact a specialist
store or an authorised technician
(see Assistance)
The water pressure must be within the values indicated
in the Technical Data table - otherwise the dishwasher may
be function properly.
Make sure the hose is not bent or compressed.
Connecting the water outlet hose
Connect the outlet hose to a drain duct with a minimum
diameter of 2 cm. (A)
The outlet hose connection must be at a height ranging from
40 to 80 cm from the floor or surface where the dishwasher
Before connecting the water outlet hose to the sink drain,
remove the plastic plug (B).
Anti-flooding protection
To ensure floods do not occur, the dishwasher:
- is provided with a special system which blocks the water
supply in the event of anomalies or leaks from inside the
Some models are also equipped with the supplementary
safety device New Acqua Stop*, which guarantees anti-
flooding protection even in the event of a supply hose rupture.
Under no circumstances should the water inlet hose be cut
as it contains live electrical parts.
Electrical connection
Before inserting the plug into the electrical socket, make
sure that:
The socket is earthed and complies with current
the socket can withstand the maximum load of the
appliance as shown on the data plate located on the inside
of the door
(see chapter Description of the appliance);
The power supply voltage falls within the values indicated
on the data plate on the inside of the door.
The socket is compatible with the plug of the appliance. If
this is not the case, ask an authorised technician to replace
the plug (
see Assistance
). Do not use extension cables or
multiple sockets.
Once the appliance has been installed, the power supply
cable and the electrical socket should be easily accessible.
The cable should not be bent or compressed.
If the power supply cable is damaged, have it replaced
by the manufacturer or its authorised Technical Assistance
Service in order to prevent all potential hazards.
The Company shall not be held responsible for any
incidents, if these regulations are not observed.
Positioning and levelling
1. Position the dishwasher on a level sturdy floor. If the floor is
uneven, the front feet of the appliance may be adjusted until
it reaches a horizontal position. If the appliance is levelled
correctly, it will be more stable and much less likely to move
or cause vibrations and noise while it is operating.
2. Before recessing the dishwasher, stick the adhesive
transparent strip
* under the wooden shelf in order to protect
it from any condensation which may form.
3. Place the dishwasher so that its sides or back panel are in
contact with the adjacent cabinets or the wall. This appliance
can also be recessed under a single worktop
(see the
Assembly instruction sheet)
*. To adjust the height of the rear foot, turn the red hexagonal
bushing on the lower central part at the front of the dishwasher
using a hexagonal spanner with an opening of 8 mm. Turn the
spanner in a clockwise direction to increase the height and
in an anticlockwise direction to decrease it.
(see Building-in
instruction sheet attached to the documentation)
MIN 40 cm
MAX 80 cm
* Only available in selected models.
Advice regarding the first wash cycle
After the installation, remove the stoppers from the racks and
the retaining elastic elements from the upper rack
(if any).
Water softener settings
Before starting the first wash cycle, set the hardness lev-
el of
the water from the mains supply.
(see chapter Rinse
aid and refined salt).
First load the softener tank with water, then introduce about
1 kg of salt. It is perfectly normal for water to flow out.
As soon as this procedure is complete, run a wash cycle.
Only use salt that has been specifically designed for dish-
After the salt has been poured into the machine, the LOW
SALT indicator light
* switches off.
If the salt container is not filled, the water softener and
the heating element may be damaged as a result.
Technical data
width 44,5 cm
height 82 cm
Capacity 10 standard place-settings
Water supply pressure
0,05 ÷ 1MPa (0.5 ÷ 10 bar)
7,25 psi – 145 psi
Power supply voltage See appliance data plate
Total absorbed power See appliance data plate
Fuse See appliance data plate
This dishwasher conforms to the
following European Community
-2006/95/EC (Low Voltage)
-2004/108/EC (Electromagnetic
-2009/125/EC (Comm. Reg.
1016/2010) (Ecodesign)
-97/17/EC (Labelling)
-2012/19/CE Waste Electrical
and Electronic Equipment (WEEE)
* Only available in selected models.
The machine has a buzzer/set of tones
(depending on the
dishwasher model
) to inform the user that a command has
been implemented: power on, cycle end etc.
The symbols/indicator lights/LEDs on the control panel/
display may vary in colour and may have a flashing or fixed
(depending on the dishwasher model)
The display
* provides useful information concerning the
type of wash cycle, drying/wash-cycle phase, remaining
time, temperature etc.
depth 57 cm
Overall view
Description of the
Control panel
Only in completely built-in models.
* Only available in selected models.
The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.
1. Upper rack
2. Upper spray arm
3. Tip-up compartments
4. Rack height adjuster
5. Lower rack
6. Lower spray arm
7. Cutlery basket
8. Washing filter
9. Salt dispenser
10. Detergent and rinse aid dispensers
11. Data plate
12. Control Panel***
Select wash cycle button
ON-OFF/Reset button
and indicator light
Wash cycle indicator light
(°dH = hardness measured in German degrees - °f = hardness
measured in French degrees – mmol/l = millimoles per litre)
Measuring out the rinse aid
Rinse aid makes dish DRYING easier. The rinse aid dispenser
should be filled:
When the LOW RINSE AID indicator light on the panel/display
is lit *;
When the dark optical indicator on the dispenser door “E”
becomes transparent.
1. Open the dispenser by turning
the cap "G" in an anticlockwise
2. Pour in the rinse aid, making
sure it does not overflow from the
dispenser. If this happens, clean
the spill immediately with a dry
3. Screw the cap back on.
NEVER pour the rinse aid directly into the tub.
Adjusting the amount of rinse aid
If you are not completely satisfied with the drying results, you
can adjust the quantity of rinse aid used. Turn the adjuster “F”.
A maximum of 4 levels can be set according to the dishwasher
model. The factory setting is for a medium level.
If you see bluish streaks on the dishes, set a low number (1-2).
If there are drops of water or limescale marks on the dishes,
set a high number (3-4).
Only use products which have been specifically designed
for dishwashers. Do not use table salt or industrial salt.
Follow the instructions given on the packaging.
If you are using a multi-function product, we recommend
that you add salt in any case, especially if the water is hard
or very hard.
(Follow the instructions given on the packaging.)
If you do not add salt or rinse aid, the LOW SALT* and
* indicator lights will remain lit.
Measuring out the refined salt
The use of salt prevents the formation of LIMESCALE on the
dishes and on the machine's functional components.
• It is important that the salt dispenser be never empty.
• It is important to set the water hardness.
The salt dispenser is located in the lower part of the dishwasher
(see Description)
and should be filled:
When the LOW RINSE AID indicator light in the control panel
is lit *;
When the green float* on the cap of the salt dispenser is no
longer visible.
See autonomy in the water hardness table.
1. Remove the lower rack and unscrew the
container cap (anticlockwise).
2. Only the first time you do this: fill the water
dispenser up to the edge.
3. Position the funnel
(see figure)
fill the salt container right up to its edge
(approximately 1 kg); it is not unusual for a little water to leak out.
4. Remove the funnel and wipe any salt residue away from the
opening; rinse the cap under running water and then screw it on.
It is advisable to perform this procedure every time you add salt
to the container.
Make sure the cap is screwed on tightly, so that no detergent can
get into the container during the wash cycle (this could damage
the water softener beyond repair).
Whenever you need to add salt, we recommend carrying out
the procedure before the washing cycle is started.
Setting the water hardness
For perfect water softener operation, it is essential that the
adjustment be based on the water hardness in your house. Ask
your local water supplier for this information. The factory setting
is for medium water hardness.
• Switch the dishwasher on using the On/Off button.
• Switch it off using the On/Off button
• Hold down button P for 5 seconds until you hear a beep.
• Switch it on using the On/Off button
The current selection level number and salt indicator light flash
(flashing indicator only).
Press button P to select the desired hardness level
hardness table).
• Switch it off using the On/Off button
• Setting is complete!
* Only available in selected models.
Water Hardness Table
Average autonomy
salt dispenser with 1
wash cycle per day
level °dH °fH mmol/l months
1 0 - 11 0 - 20 1,1 - 2 5 months
2 12 - 17 21 - 30 2,1 - 3 3 months
3 17 - 34 31 - 60 3,1 - 6 2 months
34 - 50 61 - 90 6,1 - 9 2/3 weeks
For values between 0°f and 10°f, we do not recommend the use
of salt. A setting of 4 may increase cycle duration.
Loading the racks
*Only available in selected models with different numbers and
Cutlery basket
The basket is equipped with top grilles for improved cutlery
arrangement. The cutlery basket should be positioned only at
the front of the lower rack.
Upper rack
Load this rack with delicate and lightweight crockery such as
glasses, cups, saucers and shallow salad bowls.
Before loading the racks, remove all food residues from the
crockery and empty liquids from glasses and containers. No
preventive rinsing is needed under running water.
Arrange the crockery so that it is held in place firmly and does
not tip over; and arrange the containers with the openings facing
downwards and the concave/convex parts placed obliquely,
thus allowing the water to reach every surface and flow freely.
Make sure that the lids, handles, trays and frying pans do not
prevent the spray arms from rotating. Place any small items in
the cutlery basket.
Since plastic dishes and non-stick frying pans usually retain more
water drops, their drying will be not so good as that of ceramic
or stainless-steel dishes.
Lightweight items such as plastic containers should be placed
in the upper rack and arranged so that they cannot move.
After loading the appliance, make sure that the spray arms can
rotate freely.
Lower rack
The lower rack can hold pans, lids, dishes, salad bowls, cutlery
etc. Large plates and lids should ideally be placed at the sides.
Several dishwasher models are
fitted with tip-up sectors
They can be used in a vertical
position when arranging dishes or
in a horizontal position (lower) to
load pans and salad bowls easily.
Some models are equipped with
Vertical Zone, special pull-out
*in the rear of the rack
that can be used to support frying
pans and baking pans in a more
vertical position, thus taking up
less space.
In order to use it, just get hold of the coloured grip and pull it
upwards while rotating it forward. The supports can slide right
and left to fit the size of the crockery.
Very soiled dishes and pans should be placed in the lower rack
because in this sector the water sprays are stronger and allow
a higher washing performance.
Adjustable position tip-up compartments*
The side tip-up compartments can be positioned at three
different heights to optimize the arrangement of the crockery
inside the rack.
Wine glasses can be placed safely in
the tip-up compartments by inserting
the stem of each glass into the
corresponding slot.
For optimum drying results incline
the tip-up compartments more. To
change the inclination, pull up the tip-
up compartment, slide it slightly and
position it as you wish.
Some dishwasher models are fitted with a sliding tray which
can be used to hold small crockery and cutlery.
For optimum washing performance, avoid positioning bulky
crockery directly below the tray. The cutlery tray can be
(see Figure.)
Adjusting the height of the upper rack
The height of the upper rack can be adjusted: high position
to place bulky crockery in the lower rack and low position to
make the most of the tip-up compartments by creating more
space upwards.
The height of the upper rack should be adjusted WHEN THE
NEVER raise or lower the rack on one side only.
If the rack is equipped with a Lift-Up
(see figure)
, lift
it up by holding its sides. To restore the lower position, press
the levers (A) at the sides of the rack and follow the rack down.
Unsuitable crockery
Wooden crockery and cutlery.
Delicate decorated glasses, artistic handicraft and antique
crockery. Their decorations are not resistant.
Parts in synthetic material which do not withstand high
Copper and tin crockery.
Crockery soiled with ash, wax, lubricating grease or ink.
The colours of glass decorations and aluminium/silver pieces can
change and fade during the washing process. Some types of
glass (e.g. crystal objects) can become opaque after a number
of wash cycles too.
Damage to glass and crockery
Caused by:
Type of glass and glass production process.
Chemical composition of detergent.
Water temperature of rinse cycle.
Only use glasses and porcelain guaranteed by the
manufacturer as dishwasher safe.
Use a delicate detergent suitable for crockery.
Collect glasses and cutlery from the dishwasher as soon as
the wash cycle is over.
* Only available in selected models.
Detergent and
dishwasher use
Measuring out the detergent
Good washing results also depend on the correct amount of
detergent being used. Exceeding the stated amount does not
result in a more effective wash and increases environmental
The amount can be adjusted to the soil level.
In the case of normally soiled items, use approximately either
25g (powder detergent) or 25ml (liquid detergent). If tablets
are used, one tablet will be enough.
If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed
with water before being placed in the dishwasher, reduce
the amount of detergent used accordingly.
For good washing results also follow the instructions shown
on the detergent box.
For further questions please ask the detergent producers.
Open the detergent dispenser using button D and measure out
the detergent according to the Table of wash cycles:
powder or liquid: compartments
A (wash detergent) and B (pre-
wash detergent)
tablets: when the cycle requires
1 tablet, place it in compartment
A and close cover C; when it
requires 2 tablets, place the
second tablet on the bottom of
the appliance.
Remove detergent residues from
the edges of the compartment and close cover C until it clicks.
The detergent dispenser automatically opens up at the right time
according to the wash cycle.
If all-in-one detergents are used, we recommend using the TABS
option, because it adjusts the cycle so that the best washing and
drying results are always achieved.
Only use detergent which has been specifically designed
for dishwashers.
DO NOT USE washing up liquid.
Using excessive detergent may result in foam residues
remaining in the machine after the cycle has ended.
To achieve the best washing and drying results, the combined
use of detergent, rinse aid liquid and refined salt is required.
We recommend using detergents that do not contain
phosphates or chlorine, as these products are harmful
to the environment.
* Only available in selected models.
Starting the dishwasher
1. Turn the water tap on.
2. Open the door and press the ON/OFF button.
3. Measure out the detergent.
(see adjacent information).
4. Load the racks (
see Loading the racks
5. Select the wash cycle in accordance with the type of crockery
and its soil level
(see Table of wash cycles)
by pressing the P
6. Select the wash options
(see Special wash cycles and
7. Start the wash cycle by shutting the door.
8. The end of the wash cycle is indicated by beeps and by the
flashing of the indicator light of the selected wash cycle. Open
the door, switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF
button, shut off the water tap and unplug the appliance from
the electricity socket.
9. Wait a few minutes before removing the crockery in order to
avoid burns. Unload the racks, beginning with the lower level.
- The machine will switch off automatically during
long periods of inactivity in order to minimise
electricity consumption.
If the crockery is only lightly soiled or if it has been rinsed
with water before being placed in the dishwasher, reduce the
amount of detergent used accordingly.
Changing a wash cycle in progress
If a mistake was made in the wash cycle selection process, it
is possible to change the cycle provided that it has only just
begun: open the door, taking care to avoid the escaping steam,
and press and hold the ON/OFF button; the machine will switch
off. Switch the machine back on using the ON/OFF button and
select the new wash cycle and any options desired; start the
cycle by closing the door.
Adding extra crockery
Without switching off the machine, open the door, taking care
to avoid the escaping steam, and place the crockery inside the
dishwasher. Close the door: the cycle starts from the point at
which it was interrupted.
Accidental interruptions
If the door is opened during the wash cycle or there is a power
cut, the cycle stops. It starts again from the point at which it
was interrupted once the door has been shut or the electricity
supply restored.
Wash-cycle data is measured under laboratory conditions according to European Standard EN 50242.
Based on the different conditions of use, the wash-cycle duration and data can change.
The number and type of wash cycles and options may vary depending on the dishwasher model.
Wash cycles
Wash cycle
Wash cycle
duration of wash
Eco Yes No 03:00’ 10 0,9
Intensive Yes No 02:30’ 14 1,3
Normal Yes No 02:00’ 13,5 1,1
Half Load Yes No 01:20’ 10,5 0,95
Instructions on wash cycle selection and detergent dosage
1. The ECO wash cycle is the standard cycle to which the energy label data refers. It can be used to wash crockery with a normal
soil level and it is the most efficient cycle in terms of energy and water consumption for this type of crockery. 4 gr/ml
**+ 21 gr/ml – 1
(**Quantity of pre-washing detergent)
2. Heavily soiled dishes and pans (not to be used for delicate items). 25 gr/ml – 1 Tab
3. Normally soiled pans and dishes. 4 gr/ml
**+ 21 gr/ml – 1 Tab
4. Ideal cycle for a reduced load of normally soiled dishes. 21 gr/ml – 1 Tab
Standby consumption: Left-on mode consumption: 5 W - Off mode consumption: 0.5 W
To reduce consumption, only run the dishwasher when it is full.
Note for Test Laboratories: for information on comparative EN testing conditions, please send an email to the following address:
Care and maintenance
Shutting off the water and electricity supplies
Turn off the water tap after every wash cycle to avoid leaks.
Always unplug the appliance when cleaning it and when
performing maintenance work.
Cleaning the dishwasher
The external surfaces of the machine and the control panel
can be cleaned using a non-abrasive cloth which has been
dampened with water. Do not use solvents or abrasive
Any marks on the inside of the appliance may be removed
using a cloth dampened with water and a little vinegar.
Preventing unpleasant odours
Always keep the door of the appliance ajar in order to avoid
moisture from forming and being trapped inside the machine.
Clean the seals around the door and detergent dispensers
regularly using a damp sponge. This will avoid food becoming
trapped in the seals, which is the main cause behind the
formation of unpleasant odours.
Cleaning the spray arms
Food residue may become encrusted onto the spray arms
and block the holes used to spray the water. It is therefore
recommended that you check the arms from time to time and
clean them with a small non-metallic brush.
The two spray arms may both be removed.
To remove the upper spray arm,
turn the plastic locking ring in an
anti-clockwise direction. The upper
spray arm should be replaced so
that the side with the greater number
of holes is facing upwards.
The lower spray arm can be removed
by pressing on the side tabs and
pulling it upwards.
Cleaning the water inlet hose*
If the water hoses are new or have not been used for an extended
period of time, let the water run to make sure it is clear and free
of impurities before performing the necessary connections. If this
precaution is not taken, the water inlet could become blocked
and damage the dishwasher.
Clean the water inlet filter at the tap outlet regularly.
- Turn off the water tap.
- Unscrew the end of the water inlet hose, remove the filter and
clean it carefully under running water.
- Re-place the filter and screw the water hose back into position.
Cleaning the filters
The filter assembly consists of three filters which remove food
residues from the washing water and then recirculate the water.
They must be cleaned if you wish to achieve the best results in
every wash.
Clean the filters regularly.
The dishwasher must not be used without filters or if the filter
is loose.
After several washes, check the filter assembly and if necessary
clean it thoroughly under running water, using a non-metallic
brush and following the instructions below:
1. Turn the cylindrical filter C in an anti-clockwise direction and
pull it out
(fig. 1).
2. Remove the cup filter B by exerting a slight pressure on the
side flaps
(fig. 2);
3. Slide out the stainless-steel plate filter A.
(fig. 3).
4. Inspect the trap and remove any food residues. NEVER
REMOVE the wash-cycle pump protection
(black detail) (fig.4).
After cleaning the filters, re-place the filter assembly and fix it in
position correctly; this is essential for maintaining the efficient
operation of the dishwasher.
Leaving the machine unused for extended
Disconnect the appliance from the electricity supply and shut
off the water tap.
Leave the door of the appliance ajar.
When you return, run a wash cycle when the dishwasher is
* Only available in selected models.
Whenever the appliance fails to work, check for a solution from the following list before calling for Assistance.
* Only available in selected models.
Problem: Possible causes / Solutions:
The dishwasher does not start
or cannot be controlled.
• The water supply tap is not turned on.
• Switch off the appliance by pressing the ON/OFF button, switch it back on after approximately
one minute and reset the wash cycle.
• The appliance has not been plugged in properly or another electricity socket should be used.
• The dishwasher door has not been closed properly.
The door won’t close.
• Make sure that the racks were inserted all the way.
• The lock was released. Strongly push the door until a “clacking” noise is heard.
No water drain out of the
• The wash cycle has not nished yet.
• The water drain hose is bent
(see Installation).
• The drain duct is clogged up.
• The lter is clogged up with food residues.
• Check the height of the drain hose.
The dishwasher makes
excessive noise.
• The dishes are rattling against each other or against the sprayer arms. Place the dishes
properly and make sure the sprayer arms can rotate freely.
• Too much foam: the detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use
in dishwashers.
(See Detergent and dishwasher use.)
Do not prewash the dishes by hand.
The dishes and glasses are
covered in a white lm or
limescale deposits.
• No rened salt.
• Water hardness adjustment is not suitable: increase the relevant values.
(See Rened Salt
and Rinse Aid.)
• The salt and rinse-aid dispenser cap has not been closed properly.
• The rinse aid has been used up or the dosage is too low.
The dishes and glasses are
streaked or have a bluish
• The rinse aid dosage is too high.
The crockery has not been
dried properly.
A wash cycle without a drying programme has been selected.
• The rinse aid has been used up.
(See Rened Salt and Rinse Aid.)
• The rinse aid dispenser setting is not suitable.
• The crockery is made from non-stick material or plastic; the presence of water drops is
The dishes are not clean. • The crockery has not been arranged properly.
• The sprayer arms cannot rotate freely, being hindered by the dishes.
• The wash cycle is too gentle
(see Wash Cycles).
• Too much foam: the detergent has not been measured out correctly or it is not suitable for use
in dishwashers.
(See Detergent and dishwasher use.)
• The lid on the rinse aid compartment has not been closed correctly.
• The lter is dirty or clogged up
(see Care and maintenance.)
• The rened salt level is low
(See Rened Salt and Rinse Aid.)
• Make sure that the height of the dishes is compatible with the rack adjustment.
• The holes in the sprayer arms are clogged up.
(See Care and maintenance.)
The dishwasher won’t load
any water.
It is blocked with ashing lights.
• There is no water in the mains supply or the tap is shut off.
• The water inlet hose is bent
(see Installation).
• The lters are clogged up: they need cleaning.
(See Care and maintenance.)
• The drain duct is clogged up: it needs cleaning.
After checking and cleaning, switch the dishwasher on and off and start a new wash cycle.
• If the problem persists, turn off the water tap, remove the plug and call the Service Centre.