8. To avoid the risk of injury, the child restraint system must be included in the vehicle, even if the child is
not in it.
9. Always check that all straps connecting the car's safety system are tightened, that all child restraints are
adjusted to the child's body, and check that the straps are not twisted.
10.It is very important to use the lap belt deeply so that the pelvis locks firmly into place.
11.Do not use load handling points other than those described in the manual and indicated on the child
restraint system and described in the manual.
12.Do not leave unprotected luggage or other objects in the vehicle. Unsecured items can cause injury in
the event of an accident.
13. Make sure that all rigid elements and plastic parts are safe
System are properly locked and there is no danger in daily use of the stool in the adjustable seats and the
doors of the vehicle are trapped.
14.To avoid the risk of falling, always put on your child's belt.
WARNING! security warning
1. For your child's safety, read these instructions and retain them for future reference. Failure to follow the
instructions in this manual may result in serious injury to your child.
2. This child seat can be used for children between 9 and 36 kg.
3. This instruction manual may be kept in a special compartment during the operation of the child restraint
4. Do not use this baby chair at home. It is not intended for home use and should only be used in your
5. It is recommended not to leave children unattended in the security system.
6. Do not use the child seat in the direction opposite to the direction of movement of the front seat with an
air cushion. This can result in death or serious injury.
7. After an accident, the child seat must be replaced.
15.Do not make any changes or additions to the device without the consent of a competent authority.
Failure to follow the installation instructions from the manufacturer of the safety system is a hazard.
16. This safety system is designed for children from birth to 18 kg. Never overload the child seat with more
than one child or another load.
17. Never use the child restraint system without its cover.
18. The cover should not be replaced by other than recommended by the manufacturer, as the plate plays
an important role in the performance of the safety system.
19. Before adjusting any removable or adjustable parts of the child restraint system, remove your child from
the child restraint system. NOTE:
When using the chair (group 0 + 1,2,3), note the following information:
It is a universal child restraint system. It has been approved under Regulation No 44, the 04 series of
amendments, for general use in vehicles and will fit most, but not all, car seats.
The correct fit is likely if the vehicle production has declared in the vehicle manual that the vehicle is capable
of adopting a universal child rest for this age group.
This child restraint device is classified as universal under stricter conditions than those applicable to earlier
designs that do not carry this notice.
If in doubt, consult the manufacturer of the child restraint or the retailer.
They are only appropriate if the approved vehicle is fitted with a 3-point / static / static /
retractable-type seat belt approved under UNECE Regulation No 16 or other equivalent
Instruction on the IZOFIX child restraint system (in group 0+)
1. This is the IZOFIX child restraint system. It has been approved under Regulation No 44, the 04
series of amendments, for general use in vehicles equipped with an IZOFIX anchorage system.
2. Vehicles with positions approved as IZOFIX positions (as described in the vehicle manual) must
be fitted, depending on the child seat category and the device.
3. The mass group and size class IZOFIX for which this device is intended are: IZOFIX size E class
for group 0+ in the reverse direction.
When using the Semi-Universal Category (Group 0+, 1), please note the following information:
Правильно настроенные ремни обеспечивают оптимальная защита
вашего ребёнка на автокресле.Подголовник должен быть
установлен таким образом, чтобы плечи были на одном уровне.
Отрегулируйте подголовник в правильном положении, чтобы
расстояние между плечом ребёнка и нижней спинкой уменьшалось
на один палец.
Регулировка длины ремня безопасности
Для обеспечения безопасности вашего ребёнка,
после того как вы поместили его в детское
удерживающее устройство и зафиксировали
пряжку, прикрепите ремень так, чтобы он плотно
прилегал к телу ребёнка.Она никогда нельзя
быть искажена или свободна.Чтобы затянуть
ремень, натяните его над плечевыми накладками
так, чтобы он был достаточно плотным вокруг
тела вашего ребенка.Чтобы продлить ремень,
нажмите кнопку замка между ножками детей, а
затем потяните два плечевых ремня
одновременно на себя.При этом, пожалуйста,
убедитесь, что вы держите ремень, а не
дополнительную вкладку.
ВНИМАНИЕ!Убедитесь, что ремни не
перекручены и правильно вставлены в отверстия
для ремня.
Регулировка положения автокресла
Снимите поворотную кнопку большим пальцем, затем поверните автокресло на 360
ВАЖНО:Всегда проверяйте, чтобы поворотная ручка автокресла была надёжно
закреплена, чтобы убедиться, что автокресло надежно зафиксировано.
Назад: (40-105 см), если хотите использовать направление назад (см.рисунок 1)
Вперёд: (76-105 см), если хотите использовать направление вперед (см.рисунок 2)
Когда автокресло поворачивается на 90 градусов, вы можете поставить ребёнка в такое
положение, но нельзя использовать этот угол во время вождения (см.рис. 3)
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