If you have infections, eczema, burns,
inflammation of hair follicles, open
lacerations, abrasions, herpes simplex,
wounds or lesions and haematomas in the
areas to be treated.
If you have had surgery in the areas to be
treatedin the last three weeks.
If you have epilepsy with flashlight
If you have diabetes, lupus erythematodes,
porphyria or congestive heart disease.
If you have any bleeding disorder.
If you have a history of immunosuppressive
disease (including HIV infection or AIDS)
If you have received radiation therapy or
chemotherapy within the past 3 months.
Never use the device if you take any of the
medications listed below:
If your skin is currently being treated with or
has recently been treated in the past week
with Alpha-Hydroxy Acids (AHAs), Beta-
Hydroxy Acids (BHAs), topical isotretinoin
and azelaic acid.
If you have taken any form of isotretinoin
Accutane or Roaccutane in the last six
months. This treatment can make skin more
susceptible to tears, wounds and irritations.
If you are on painkillers which reduce the
skin's sensitivity to heat.
If you are taking photosensitising agents or
medications, check the package insert of
your medicine and never use the device if it
is stated that it can cause photo-allergic
reactions, photo-toxic reactions or if you
have to avoid sun when taking this medicine.