Referring to your liquid cooler’s instructions, remove the Intel or AMD retention bracket if it is already
Sample diagram is from Kraken series.
Consultando las instrucciones del refrigerador líquido, extraiga el soporte de sujeción Intel o AMD si ya está
El diagrama de muestra es de la serie Kraken.
Si un support de fixation Intel ou AMD est pré-installé sur la pompe, reportez-vous au manuel du système de
refroidissement liquide pour le retirer.
Le diagramme représente un système de refroidissement de la gamme Kraken.
Sollte die Intel- bzw. AMD-Halterung bereits eingebaut sein, entfernen Sie sie, wie in der Anleitung des
Wasserkühlers beschrieben.
Die Beispielabbildung gilt für die Kraken-Serie.
Facendo riferimento alle istruzioni del dissipatore a liquido, rimuovere la staffa di supporto Intel o AMD se è
già installata.
Lo schema di esempio appartiene alla serie Kraken.
Consultando as instruções do resfriador líquido, remova o suporte de retenção Intel ou AMD, caso já esteja
O modelo de diagrama é para as séries da Kraken.
Using the thumbscrews with spring, install the GPU bracket onto the graphics card.
Con los tornillos moleteados con muelle, instale el soporte de la GPU en la tarjeta gráfica.
À l'aide des vis à ressort, installez le support de montage sur la carte graphique.
Befestigen Sie die GPU-Halterung mithilfe der gefederten Rändelschrauben an der Grafikkarte.
Utilizzando la vite zigrinata con molla, installare la staffa della GPU sulla scheda grafica.
Utilizando os parafusos com molas, instale o suporte da GPU na placa gráfica.
Use the included cable ties to manage the tubes and cables along the trench with tie points.
Utilice las bridas para cable incluidas para organizar los tubos y los cables a lo largo del hueco con los
puntos de fijación.
À l'aide des serre-câbles fournis, agencez les tuyaux et câbles le long de la tranchée.
Sortieren Sie Schläuche und Kabel mithilfe der im Lieferumfang enthaltenen Kabelbinder im dafür
vorgesehenen Kabelschacht.
Utilizzare le fascette in dotazione per sistemare i tubicini e i cavi lungo la scanalatura con i punti appositi.
Utilize as braçadeiras de cabo inclusas para guiar os tubos e os cabos ao longo da trincheira.
Connect the Kraken G12’s 3-pin fan connector to the liquid cooler’s fan power or to an open fan headers on
the motherboard.
Conecte el conector del ventilador de 3 patillas del Kraken G12 a la alimentación del ventilador del
refrigerador líquido o a un cabezal para ventilador abierto de la placa base.
Branchez le connecteur à 3 broches du ventilateur du Kraken G12 à l'alimentation dédiée sur le système de
refroidissement liquide ou effectuez le branchement sur un connecteur pour ventilateur disponible sur la
Schließen Sie den Kraken G12-Lüfter mit dem 3-Pin-Anschluss an die Stromversorgung des Wasserkühlers
bzw. an einen freien Lüfteranschluss am Mainboard an.
Collegare il connettore a 3 pin della ventola Kraken G12 all'alimentazione della ventola del dissipatore a
liquido o alla basetta libera di una ventola della scheda madre.
Conecte o conector de três pinos do ventilador da Kraken G12 à alimentação do ventilador do resfriador
líquido ou a um conector de ventilador aberto na placa mãe.
Follow the liquid coolers instructions and complete all necessary connections to complete the installation
of your graphics cards. This can include pump power, USB, and software installation.
Siga las instrucciones del refrigerador líquido y realice todas las conexiones necesarias para completar la
instalación de las tarjetas gráficas. Pueden incluir la instalación de la alimentación de la bomba, el USB y el
Reportez-vous au manuel du système de refroidissement liquide pour effectuer tous les branchements
restants, y compris l'alimentation de la pompe ou un branchement USB. Il peut également être nécessaire
d'installer un logiciel.
Befolgen Sie die Anleitung für den Wasserkühler und schließen Sie den Einbau mit dem Anschluss aller
übrigen Komponenten ab. Dies kann die Stromversorgung der Pumpe, USB-Anschlüsse und
Softwareinstallationen umfassen.
Seguire le istruzioni del dissipatore a liquido ed effettuare tutti i collegamenti necessari per completare
l'installazione della scheda grafica. Questa operazione può includere il collegamento dell'alimentazione
della pompa e della porta USB, oltre all'installazione del software.
Siga as instruções dos resfriadores líquidos e realize todas as conexões necessárias para a conclusão da
instalação de suas placas gráficas. Isso pode incluir alimentação da bomba, USB e instalação do software.
Завершите установку графической карты, выполнив все необходимые подключения, как указано в инструкциях
по установке жидкостной системы охлаждения. Возможно, потребуется подключение питания насоса, USB или
установка программного обеспечения.
Подключите 3-контактный разъем Kraken G12 к разъему питания вентилятора жидкостной системы охлаждения
или к доступному разъему вентилятора на материнской плате.
Крепление графического процессора имеет ту же систему монтажа, что и крепления Intel или AMD. Установите
крепление графического процессора и насос, следуя инструкциям по установке жидкостной системы
I. Проложите трубки насоса рядом с точками закрепления стяжками для кабелей, как указано на схеме.
II. Вставьте насос в пазы крепления графического процессора.
III. Поверните насос, чтобы совместить его с креплением графического процессора и зафиксировать.
Следуя инструкциям по установке жидкостной системы охлаждения, снимите крепление Intel или AMD, если
оно уже установлено.
Образец схемы взят из инструкции для серии Kraken.
Зафиксируйте трубки и кабели с помощью стяжек для кабелей в точках закрепления в углублении.
Установите крепление графического процессора на графическую карту с помощью барашковых винтов с пружиной.
The GPU bracket is designed using the same mounting mechanism as the Intel or AMD retention brackets.
Follow the steps from your liquid cooler’s instructions to install the GPU bracket and pump.
I. Orient the pump’s tubes along the side with cable tie points as shown.
II. Pass the pump through the GPU bracket's grooves.
III. Rotate the pump until it aligns with the GPU bracket’s and attach.
El soporte de la GPU está diseñado con el mismo mecanismo de montaje que los soportes de sujeción Intel
o AMD. Siga los pasos de las instrucciones del refrigerador líquido para instalar el soporte de la GPU y la
I. Oriente los tubos de la bomba a lo largo del lateral, con bridas para cable donde se indica.
II. Pase la bomba a través de las ranuras del soporte de la GPU.
III. Gire la bomba hasta que se alinee con el soporte de la GPU y fíjela
Le support de montage s'installe sur la pompe de la même manière que les supports de fixation Intel ou
AMD. Suivez les consignes du manuel du système de refroidissement liquide pour effectuer cette
I. Maintenez les tuyaux de la pompe sur le côté grâce aux serre-câbles, comme illustré.
II. Faites passer la pompe dans le trou à encoches du support de montage.
III. Faites pivoter la pompe pour l'empêcher de ressortir, puis fixez-la.
Das Montagesystem für die GPU-Halterung entspricht dem der Intel- bzw. AMD-Halterungen. Befolgen Sie
beim Einbau der GPU-Halterung und der Pumpe bitte die Anleitung des Wasserkühlers.
I. Richten Sie die Pumpschläuche seitlich wie in der Abbildung aus. Die Enden der Kabelbinder sollten in
die angezeigte Richtung zeigen.
II. Führen Sie die Pumpe durch die Aussparung der GPU-Halterung.
III. Drehen Sie die Pumpe, bis sie bündig mit der GPU-Halterung ist und einrastet.
O suporte da GPU foi projetado com base no mesmo mecanismo de montagem dos suportes de retenção
Intel ou AMD. Siga as etapas de instrução do resfriador líquido para instalar o suporte e a bomba da GPU.
I. Guie os tubos da bomba ao longo da lateral, com as pontas da braçadeira de cabo, conforme mostrado.
II. Passe a bomba pelos sulcos do suporte da GPU.
III. Gire a bomba até que ela se alinhe com o suporte da GPU, fixando-a.
La staffa della GPU è stata progettata utilizzando lo stesso meccanismo di montaggio delle staffe di
supporto Intel o AMD. Seguire i passaggi indicati dalle istruzioni del dissipatore a liquido per installare la
staffa della GPU e la pompa.
I. Orientare i tubicini della pompa lungo il lato con i punti per le fascette come mostrato.
II. Far passare la pompa attraverso le scanalature della staffa della GPU.
III. Far ruotare la pompa in modo da allinearla alla staffa della GPU e fissarla.
I. Warranty Length
NZXT computer cases, temperature meters, fans, accessories, and cables carry a 2 year
warranty from the date of purchase for parts and labor. Any replacement product will be
warranted for the remainder of the warranty period or thirty days, whichever is longer. Proof
of purchase is required for warranty service.
II. Who Is Protected
The Warranty covers only NZXT products purchased by the original consumer from authorized
NZXT retailers.
III. What Is Covered
Please note that our warranty is not an unconditional guarantee. If the product, in NZXT's
opinion, malfunctions within the warranty period, NZXT will at its discretion repair or replace
the product that is equal or greater in value depending on supply. The warranty does not
cover any NZXT product that was damaged due to accident, misuse, abuse, improper
installation, usage not in accordance with product specifications and instructions, natural or
personal disaster, or unauthorized alterations, repairs or modifications.
Our warranty does not cover the following:
Any product or serial number/warranty sticker modification applied without permission from
NZXT. Any damage that is not a manufacturing defect. Damage, deterioration or malfunction
resulting from accident, abuse, misuse, neglect, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature,
unauthorized product modification or failure to follow instructions included with the product.
Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by NZXT. Shipping or transport damage
(claims must be made with the carrier) Normal wear and tear. NZXT does not warrant that
this product will meet your requirements. It is your responsibility to determine the suitability
of this product for your purpose. Removal or installation charges. Shipping charges. Any
incidental charges.
IV. Exclusion Of Damages (Disclaimer)
NZXT's sole obligation and liability under this warranty is limited to the repair or
replacement of a defective product at our option. NZXT shall not, in any event, be liable for
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limited to the warranty length specified in Paragraph I.
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This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights granted under
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Warranty terms for all NZXT products sold to Australia:
Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer
Law. You are entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and or compensation for
any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage. You are also entitled to have the goods
repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not
amount to a major failure' (NZXT Corporation, 13164 E. Temple Ave., City of Industry, CA
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VII. To Obtain Technical Support
If you have already referenced your product owner's manual and still need help, please visit
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VIII. For Warranty Service
In the event that warranty repair or replacement is necessary, NZXT will request and you must
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North American Customers:
Within the first 60 days after purchase, please return your product (or for power supplies
installed within our enclosures, just the failed power supply) to your dealer or reseller for a
replacement. If the product is still within warranty and you can no longer return it to your
dealer, please contact NZXT Customer Support (support.nzxt.com) for assistance and
instructions. NZXT will not accept returns without prior approval and an RMA number.
In Europe:
Within the first year after purchase, please return your product (or for power supplies installed
within our enclosures, just the failed power supply) to your dealer or reseller for a replacement. If the
product is still within warranty and you can no longer return it to your dealer, please contact NZXT
Customer Support for assistance and instructions. NZXT will not accept returns without prior
Global Customers (Outside North America and Europe):
If your product needs to be returned or repair within the warranty period, please do so through the
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to your dealer, please contact NZXT Customer Support for assistance. Please note, proof of
purchase from an authorized NZXT retailer is required for ALL warranty servicing.
Visit support.nzxt.com for information on warranty coverage and service
Visitare il sito support.nzxt.com per informazioni sulla copertura e sul servizio della garanzia.
보증 범위와 서비스에 대한 자세한 내용은 support.nzxt.com을 참조하십시오
Informationen zu Geltungsbereich und Service der Garantie nden Sie unter support.nzxt.com
Visite el sitio Web support.nzxt.com para obtener información sobre la cobertura y el servicio de la garantía.
Visitez support.nzxt.com pour les informations de la couverture de la garantie et du service.
Visite support.nzxt.com para obter informações sobre a cobertura da garantia e assistência
Подробную информацию об условиях гарантийного обслуживания см. на веб-сайте support.nzxt.com
请造访 support.nzxt.com 了解保修范围和服务的信息
請訪問 support.nzxt.com 了解產品保固範圍和更多服務訊息
保証範囲およびサービスに関する情報については、support.nzxt.com にアクセスしてください。
Kraken G12’s Fan
Liquid cooler's Fan
按照液体冷却器的说明完成所有必要的连接,以便完成显卡的安装。可能包括泵电源、 USB 及软件的安装。
수냉식 쿨러 설명서에 따라 필요한 연결 작업을 모두 완료하여 그래픽 카드 설치 작업을 완료합니다. 이러한 작업에는 펌프
전원, USB, 소프트웨어 설치 등이 있습니다.
將 Kraken G12 的 3 針腳風扇接頭連接至水冷散熱器的風扇電源,或是主機板上可用的風扇接頭。
将 Kraken G12 的三针风扇连接头连接到液体冷却器的风扇电源或主板上的开放风扇接头。
Kraken G12 の 3 ピンファンコネクタを水冷クーラーのファンの電源またはマザーボードのオープンファンヘッダーに接続します。
Kraken G12의 3핀 팬 커넥터를 수냉식 쿨러의 팬 전원이나 마더보드의 개방된 팬 헤더에 연결합니다.
포함된 케이블 타이를 사용하여 튜브와 케이블을 타이 지점의 도랑을 따라 정리합니다.
使用彈簧手轉螺絲,將 GPU 架安裝在顯示卡上。
使用弹簧手转螺丝将 GPU 支架安装到显卡上。
スプリング付き蝶ネジを使用して、グラフィックスカードに GPU ブラケットを取り付けます。
스프링이 달린 썸스크루를 사용하여 그래픽 카드에 GPU 브래킷을 설치합니다.
GPU 架所使用的安裝機制與 Intel 或 AMD 固定架相同。依照水冷散熱器說明中的步驟,安裝 GPU 架與泵浦。
I. 將泵浦的管子沿著側邊放置,在圖示的固定處以束線帶固定。
II.將泵浦穿過 GPU 架的溝槽。
III.旋轉泵浦,直到泵浦對齊 GPU 架並固定。
在设计 GPU 支架时,采用了与 Intel 或 AMD 固定支架的相同安装机制。按照液体冷却器说明中的步骤安装 GPU 支架和泵。
I. 沿着侧面找准泵管的方向,束线带朝向如图所示。
II.将泵穿过 GPU 支架槽。
III.旋转泵,直到泵与 GPU 支架对齐,然后连接。
この GPU ブラケットは、インテルまたは AMD 保持ブラケットと同じ取り付け機構を使用して設計されています。水冷
クーラーの取扱説明書の手順に従って、GPU ブラケットとポンプを取り付けます。
I. 図に示すようにポンプのチューブをケーブルタイポイントのある面に沿って配置します。
II.ポンプを GPU ブラケットの溝に通します。
III.GPU ブラケットの位置と合うまでポンプを回転させて取り付けます。
GPU 브래킷은 Intel 또는 AMD 고정 브래킷과 동일한 장착 메커니즘을 사용하여 설계되었습니다. 수냉식 쿨러 설명서의
단계에 따라 GPU 브래킷과 펌프를 설치합니다.
I. 그림과 같이 케이블 타이 지점의 측면을 따라 펌프 튜브를 배치합니다.
II. 펌프를 GPU 브래킷 홈으로 통과시킵니다.
III. GPU 브래킷에 맞춰 부착될 때까지 펌프를 회전합니다.
請參照水冷散熱器的說明。若已安裝 Intel 或 AMD 固定架,請將其移除。
範例圖為 Kraken 系列。
查看水冷散热器说明,拆下 Intel 或 AMD 固定支架(若固定支架已安装)。
Kraken 系列的示意图。
インテルまたは AMD の保持ブラケットがすでに取り付けられている場合は、水冷クーラーの取扱説明書を参照して、そ
サンプルの図は Kraken シリーズです。
Intel 또는 AMD 고정 브래킷이 이미 설치되어 있는 경우 수냉식 쿨러 설명서를 참고하여 이를 분리합니다.
샘플 도표는 Kraken 시리즈의 것입니다.
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[email protected]. Gracias por comprar un
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Si vous avez des questions ou des problèmes avec le produit NZXT que vous avez acheté, n’hésitez pas à
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If you have any questions or problems with the NZXT product you purchased, please don’t hesitate to
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For more information about NZXT, please visit us online. NZXT Website: nzxt.com
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In caso di dubbi o problemi con il prodotto NZXT acquistato, non esitate a contattarci utilizzando il nostro
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visitate il nostro sito. Sito NZXT: nzxt.com
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NZXT 웹사이트: nzxt.com
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For more building tips and information, visit: blog.nzxt.com
1. 2. 3.
1. 2. 3.