- 13 -
atically d eactivate.
긴급조난시에만 사용할것.
imminent danger.
비상시 수압에 의해 이탈장치가 분리되면서
해수스위치의 작동에 의해 자동발사하게 됨.
꺼낸뒤 약 2초후면 OFF 된다.
이때 발사정지 시키고자 할 때는 해수로부터
In an emerg ency, the beacon will autom-
atically r elease and acti vate depending on
the depth o f water. After 2 seconds from
being take n out of the wa ter, it will autom -
Automatic Activation
Operating lifetime 48 Hour s minimum
Indicating Radio Beacon
Satellite Emergency Position
년간 정기점검을 받을 것.
제작사나 제작사가 지정한 대리점을 통해
An annual inspection must be performed
by the manufacturer or its authorized
EMERGENCY 방향으로 이동 되면서 발사됨.
안전핀을 잡아당겨 뽑아 내면 작동 스위치가
스위치를 OFF로 한후 안전핀을 꽂으면 정지.
position and replace the locking pin.
밧데리 교환은 지정된 대리점에서만 할 것.
+70도 이상의 열을 가하지 말 것.
This Transmitter is authorized for use
only during situations of grave and
Battery pack replacement and test must
Do not expose to temperature over
be performed by recommended agent.
To deactivate, return switch to OFF
automatically slide to the EMERGENCY
position and the beacon become active.
Remove the locking pin. The switch will
C+7 0
자 동 발 사
수 동 발 사
Manual Activation
MODEL : SEH - 02
< Fig. 4-3 > Manual TX
4.4 Test TX (Self-Test)
The SEP-500 can transmit test message for a test.
z Take out the SEP-500 from the case after unlocking the case.
z Press [TEST] button on top of the SEP-500 for about 1 second.
z In about 5 seconds, the flash lamp blinks with the beep sound and it transmits the
406.037 MHz/121.5MHz test message. Check the blinking of the green LED(406-TX)
and the yellow LED (121-TX). It takes about 9 seconds to finish the test.
z Recommend that the number of annual Self-Test is limited in 12 times by the battery life.
z When the test for TX is finished, the power will be turned off. (The red LED is out).
z Put the SEP-500 in the case and lock the case.
atically d eactivate.
긴급조난시에만 사용할것.
imminent danger.
비상시 수압에 의해 이탈장치가 분리되면서
해수스위치의 작동에 의해 자동발사하게 됨.
꺼낸뒤 약 2초후면 OFF 된다.
이때 발사정지 시키고자 할 때는 해수로부터
In an emerg ency, the beacon will autom-
atically r elease and acti vate depending on
the depth o f water. After 2 seconds from
being take n out of the wa ter, it will autom -
Automatic Activation
Operating lifetime 48 Hour s minimum
Indicating Radio Beacon
Satellite Emergency Position
년간 정기점검을 받을 것.
제작사나 제작사가 지정한 대리점을 통해
An annual inspection must be performed
by the manufacturer or its authorized
EMERGENCY 방향으로 이동 되면서 발사됨.
안전핀을 잡아당겨 뽑아 내면 작동 스위치가
스위치를 OFF로 한후 안전핀을 꽂으면 정지.
position and replace the locking pin.
밧데리 교환은 지정된 대리점에서만 할 것.
+70도 이상의 열을 가하지 말 것.
This Transmitter is authorized for use
only during situations of grave and
Battery pack replacement and test must
Do not expose to temperature over
be performed by recommended agent.
To deactivate, return switch to OFF
automatically slide to the EMERGENCY
position and the beacon become active.
Remove the locking pin. The switch will
C+7 0
자 동 발 사
수 동 발 사
Manual Activation
MODEL : SEH - 02
< Fig. 4-4 > Test TX