What you can do with RDS
RDS (Radio Data System) allows FM stations to
send an additional signal along with their regular
programme signals. For example, the stations
send their station names, as well as information
about what type of programme they broadcast,
such as sports or music, etc.
Another advantage of RDS function is called
“Enhanced Other Networks.” By using the
Enhanced Other Networks data sent from a
station, you can tune in to a different station of a
different network broadcasting your favourite
programme or traffic announcement while
listening to another programme or to another
source such as tape.
By receiving the RDS data, this unit can do the
• Tracing the same programme automatically
(Network-Tracking Reception)
• Standby Reception of TA (Traffic Announcement)
or your favourite programme
• PTY (Programme Type) search
• Programme search
• And some other functions
Tracing the same programme
automatically (Network-Tracking
When driving in an area where FM reception is
not good, the tuner built in this unit automatically
tunes in to another RDS station, broadcasting
the same programme with stronger signals. So,
you can continue to listen to the same
programme in its finest reception, no matter
where you drive. (See illustration on page 13.)
Two types of the RDS data are used to make
Network-Tracking Reception work correctly — PI
(Programme Identification) and AF (Alternative
Without receiving these data correctly from the
RDS station you are listening to, Network-
Tracking Reception will not operate.
To use Network-Tracking Reception
You can select the different modes of network-
tracking reception to continue listening to the
same programme in its finest reception.
When shipped from the factory, “AF” is selected.
•AF: Network-Tracking Reception is
activated with Regionalization set
to “off.”
With this setting, the unit
switches to another station within
the same network when the
receiving signals from the current
station become weak. (In this
mode, the programme may differ
from the one currently received.)
The AF indicator lights up but the
REG indicator does not.
• AF REG: Network-Tracking Reception is
activated with Regionalization set
to “on.”
With this setting, the unit
switches to another station, within
the same network, broadcasting
the same programme when the
receiving signals from the current
station become weak.
Both the AF indicator and the
REG indicator light up.
• OFF: Network-Tracking Reception is
Neither the AF indicator nor the
REG indicator lights up.
REG indicator
AF indicator
If a DAB tuner is connected and Alternative Reception
(for DAB services) is activated, Network-Tracking
Reception is also activated (“AF”) automatically. On
the other hand, Networking-Tracking Reception
cannot be deactivated without deactivating Alternative
Reception. (See page 35.)
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