Binatone ULTRA XD1220 Руководство пользователя

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  • Как выбрать режим тонального или импульсного набора?
    Как зарегистрировать новый телефонный аппарат?
    Как использовать функцию громкой связи?
    Как добавить номер в телефонную книгу?
    Как настроить мелодию звонка?
Instruction Manual
Ultra XD1220
Ultra Twin XD1220
DECT Ultra XD1220/Ultra Twin XD1220
DECT Ultra XD1220/Ultra Twin XD1220
Áëàãîäàðèì Âàñ çà ïîêóïêó òåëåôîíà òîðãîâîé ìàðêè
Âñÿ òåõíèêà Binatone èçãîòîâëåíà â ñîîòâåòñòâèè ñ
åâðîïåéñêèìè ðàçðàáîòêàìè. Âñå ïðèáîðû ñîáèðàþòñÿ
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îãðîìíîå âíèìàíèå óäåëÿåòñÿ åå êà÷åñòâó.
Íàäååìñÿ, ÷òî òåõíèêà Binatone ïðîñëóæèò Âàì äîëãèå
Äÿêóºìî, ùî Âè ïðèäáàëè òåëåôîí òîðãîâî¿ ìàðêè
Åëåêòðîïîáóòîâà òåõí³êà Binatone âèãîòîâëåíà çã³äíî ç
ºâðîïåéñüêèìè ðîçðîáêàìè. Ïðèëàäè ñêëàäàþòüñÿ ç
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Ñïîä³âàºìîñÿ, ùî òåõí³êà Binatone ñëóãóâàòèìå Âàì
ïðîòÿãîì áàãàòüîõ ðîê³â.
Congratulations on your purchase of this Binatone Phone.
All Binatone Appliances are the products of continuous
European design and development. The products is assembled
from the most reliable components, in the most modern factories
in the Far East under constant supervision of qualified Production
and Quality Control Engineers. No compromises are made in the
product’s quality at any stage of the design or production process.
We wish you many happy years of use
from your Binatone product.
Binatone ïîñòîÿííî ðàñøèðÿåò ñåòü Ñåðâèñ-öåíòðîâ. Åñëè Âàø
ãîðîä íå óêàçàí â âûøåïðèâåäåííîì ñïèñêå, Âàì ñëåäóåò ñâÿçàòüñÿ
ñ ìàãàçèíîì è óçíàòü, íå îòêðûò ëè Ñåðâèñ-öåíòð íåäàâíî. Ïîëíûé
ïåðå÷åíü Ñåðâèñ-öåíòðîâ Binatone íà òåððèòîðèè ÑÍà è ñòðàí
Áàëòèè ïðèâåäåí íà ñàéòå
 ñëó÷àå, åñëè â Âàøåì ãîðîäå îòñóòñòâóåò Ñåðâèñ-öåíòð
Binatone, âàì ñëåäóåò îáðàòèòüñÿ â ìàãàçèí, ãäå Âû ïðèîáðåëè íàø
òîâàð è îí îðãàíèçóåò åãî ðåìîíò èëè çàìåíó.
ENGLISH ............................................. 4
ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ .......................................... 30
ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÑÜÊÀ .................................... 62
DECT Ultra XD1220/Ultra Twin XD1220
Please read this guide carefully before using your phone for the first time so
that you become acquainted with operating your new appliance. Please retain the
instructions for future reference.
SAFETY MEASURES ....................................................................................... 6
Special Safety Measures ......................................................................... 6
DESCRIPTION OF THE PHONE PARTS ......................................................... 7
SETUP AND CONNECTION .......................................................................... 8
The “Tone” and “Pulse” Mode Selection .............................................. 9
Making a call .......................................................................................... 9
Language selection ................................................................................. 9
Registration of a new handset .............................................................. 10
MENU STRUCTURE ...................................................................................... 11
PHONE CALLS ............................................................................................. 12
Preliminary phone number entering .................................................... 12
External call answering ........................................................................ 13
Internal call’s ......................................................................................... 13
Call transfer ........................................................................................... 13
“Hands Free” function .......................................................................... 13
Activating “Hands Free” during a phone conversation ..................... 13
Making a phone call using “Hands Free” function ............................ 14
Redialing function ................................................................................. 14
THE PHONE BOOK ..................................................................................... 14
Inputting a phone number into the phone book ................................. 14
Displaying a Phone Number in the Phone Book ................................. 15
Dialing out of the phone book ............................................................. 16
Editing a phone number in the phone book ....................................... 16
Deleting a phone number from the phone book ................................ 16
Deleting all phone numbers from the phone book ............................. 17
ADDITIONAL FUNCTIONS ......................................................................... 17
Microphone disconnection ................................................................... 17
“Flash” function ..................................................................................... 17
Pause function ........................................................................................ 17
Headphone usage ................................................................................ 17
Handset search function ........................................................................ 17
Handset naming .................................................................................... 18
Keyboard locking ................................................................................. 18
Turning the handset on or off ................................................................ 18
Auto answering ..................................................................................... 19
Turning the Auto answering function on/off ........................................ 19
The PIN code of the main unit ............................................................... 19
Changing the PIN code ........................................................................ 19
Resetting to defaults .............................................................................. 20
“CALLER ID” FUNCTION ............................................................................ 20
System messages when receiving a call ............................................... 20
Incoming call list .................................................................................... 20
Displaying the incoming call list ........................................................... 21
Deleting a record from the incoming call list ....................................... 21
Dialing out of the incoming call list ...................................................... 21
Voice messages ..................................................................................... 22
THE TELEPHONE SETTINGS ......................................................................... 22
Selecting the ringing melody for external calls ................................... 22
Selecting the ringing melody for internal calls .................................... 22
Selecting the ringing melody for the main unit .................................... 23
Selecting the main unit ringing volume ................................................ 23
Selecting the handset speaker volume ................................................. 23
Adjusting the handset speaker or “Hands Free” speaker volume during
conversation .......................................................................................... 24
Changing the ring volume .................................................................... 24
How to set the handset date and time ................................................. 24
Disconnection of the time selection (“Flash” function) ........................ 24
Pause duration selection ....................................................................... 25
Main unit selection ................................................................................ 25
Handset registration cancellation ........................................................ 26
The internal system signals .................................................................... 26
The signal when pressing a button ....................................................... 26
The battery discharge signal ................................................................ 27
The “out of range” signal ..................................................................... 27
MAIN CHARACTERISTICS: .......................................................................... 28
TIPS AND TRICKS (TROUBLE-SHOOTING) ................................................ 28
AFTER-SALE SERVICE .................................................................................. 29
When using the phone you must comply with the following safety rules:
Do not clean the phone with chemical solvents, abrasive materials, or spray
cleaners – as they can penetrate inside the device making damage not cov-
ered by the warranty. Wipe the device using a damp cloth, if necessary.
Do not expose the phone to high temperatures, humidity or intense sun light.
This product has been made in accordance with and complies with quality
standards. Do not try to repair the phone yourself if it is damaged.
We do not recommend you to install the phone near a sink, bath-room, shower
or other sources of increased humidity. Electrical equipment can cause seri-
ous injuries, if you use it when standing in water or whilst you are wet.
If the main unit is dropped into water, do not take it out until the power adapter
is disconnected from the socket; then pull the main unit using the disconnected
Special Safety Measures
Chemical constant-current sources are used to power this device. When op-
erating a constant-current appliance the following safety measures must be fol-
Read the application instructions carefully before using batteries and accu-
To recharge batteries use only chargers recommended by the manufacturer;
Do not allow children to play with them
Do not use batteries that have visible oxidation traces;
If the corrosion liquid is in contact with skin or eyes, it is necessary to wash
immediately with a large quantity of water. If these liquids are swallowed,
drink a lot of water to vomit and visit a doctor;
Do not use new and old batteries together;
To not throw batteries into a fire because they can explode.
Only dispose of or recycle batteries in accordance with established rules in
your area;
Do not disassemble batteries;
Do not swallow battery electrolytes because it may lead to intoxication;
You must treat batteries very carefully do not to store them close to conductive
materials, such as rings, bracelets, keys and so on. They may heat up and
cause fires.
1. The Handset
2. The LCD
3. “Hands Free” button
4. Talk/Flash button
5. On/Off button
6. Up button
7. Down button
8. OK button
/Mute button
10. Cancel/INT button
11. Dialing buttons
12. * button – buttons lock
13. The main unit
14. The battery charge LED
15. The operations LED
) button
17. The headset socket
18. “Hands Free” speaker
19. The rechargeable battery
20. The rechargeable battery compartment
21. The lid of the rechargeable battery compartment
22. The main unit socket for the power adapter
23. The socket for the phone cable
24. The power adapter
25. The phone cable
26. The charger
27. The charger socket for the power adapter
The telephone set includes:
Ultra XD1220 Model
1. The handset – 1
2. The main unit – 1
3. The power adapter – 1
4. The phone cable – 1
5. The rechargeable battery (AAA) – 2
6. The lid of the rechargeable battery compartment – 1
Ultra Twin XD1220 Model
1. The handset – 2
2. The main unit – 1
3. The charger – 1
4. The power adapter – 2
5. The phone cable – 1
6. The rechargeable battery (AAA) – 4
7. The lid of the rechargeable battery compartment – 2
1. Plug one end of the phone cable [25] into the socket [23] of the main unit
[13] and the other end into a telephone network socket.
2. Plug the connector of the power adapter [24] into the socket [22] of the main
unit [13], plug the power adapter [24] into 220V power supply socket.
3. For Ultra Twin XD1220 model: plug the connector of the power adapter
[24] into the socket [27] of the charger [26], plug the power adapter
[24] into 220 V power supply socket.
4. Plug the rechargeable battery [19] into the rechargeable battery com-
partment [20] of the handset [1], and then close up the compartment
[20] using the lid [21].
5. Place the handset [1] on the main unit [13]. For Ultra Twin XD1220
model: place the handset [1] on the main unit [13] and on the charger
[26]. The rechargeable battery has to be fully charged before you can
use it, therefore charged it for 10 hours.
1. When the rechargeable battery needs recharging, it will
recharge intensively for the first few hours and after that
it will begin to charge slowly. During that intensive
charging the handset can heat up – this is normal and
not dangerous. The handset will cool down during the
slow charging phase.
2. In order to maximize on the noiseless range, put the main unit
in a convenient, high place that is located away from other
electric devices such as refrigerators, PC, TV and any
other telephones.
The Ultra handset will not work without a mains power supply. Just in
case of a power supply failure you should have another telephone that does
not require external power supply.
The “Tone” and “Pulse” Mode Selection
Your phone can operate in two modes – tone and pulse. The mode
selection depends on the automatic telephone exchange (ATE) type. As a
rule, the tone mode is established for digital ATEs, while pulse mode – for
analog ATE. If the tone mode should be set for analog ATE, then you can
answer calls but can not dial.
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
2. Press [7] button several times until “BASE” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button.
4. Press [7] button several times until “DIAL MODE” message will be
displayed on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button.
6. Choose the required mode using [6] and [7] buttons: “TONE” or
7. Press OK [8] button to confirm your choice and to exit to the previous
menu option.
8. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Note: If your phone operates in pulse mode but you need to switch
it into tone mode, for example, when making long-distance
call, then press * [12] and hold it at least 2 seconds.
Making a call
1. Press “Talk” [4] button and wait for a sound signal. ‘EXT’ icon will be
displayed on the LCD [2].
2. Dial a phone number using numeric buttons [11].
3. Start the conversation after the person called answers you.
4. To finish a phone conversation, press On\Off button [5] and place handset
[1] on the main unit [13]. ‘EXT’ icon will disappear.
Language selection
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
2. Press [7] button, “HANDSET” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button.
4. Press [7] button several times until “LANGUAGE” message will be
displayed on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button.
6. Choose the required language using [6] and [7] buttons.
7. Press OK [8] button to confirm your choice and to exit to the previous
menu option.
8. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Registration of a new handset
This function allows you to register a new handset at the main unit (base).
You can register up to 5 handsets that support GAP function at the main unit.
Each handset can be registered at 4 main units (bases). If you want to register
one more handset at the main unit that already has 5 handsets registered,
then you have to delete one of the previously registered handsets first.
1. The handset included in the delivery set is already registered at
the main unit. This function is required in case you need to
register another handset or you accidentally deleted the
active handset registration.
2. Before beginning registration, make sure the new handset is
fully charged and is located near the main unit (base) in
front of you.
3. You can register any handset from any providers if they support
GAP function. However if you do register a handset from
another provider, some additional functions of the handset
may not work.
At the main unit (base):
Press and hold
) [16] button until you hear a sound signal and the
operation LED [15] will blink. This means that the main unit switched into the
registration mode. The main unit will remain in this mode for 90 seconds
switching into the normal mode after that time expiration.
At a handset:
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
2. Press [7] button several times until “REGISTRATION” message will be
displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button, “REGISTER” message will be displayed on the LCD
4. Press OK [8] button, “BS 1234” message will be displayed on the LCD
[2] (from first to fourth main unit).
5. Enter the main unit number (from 1 to 4) using numeric buttons [11]. If the
chosen number does not blink, then another main unit is already registered
under this number.
6. “PIN?” message will be displayed on LCD [2].
7. Enter four-digit PIN code using numeric buttons [11]. (The default PIN
code is 0000).
Note: If you want to register a handset of a different model from
another provider, then you must read the registration
conditions in the application instruction for that handset.
After a handset is registered at the main unit, its number is displayed on
LCD [2], that number is used for internal calls.
VOLUME: 1...5
VOLUME: 1...5
BASE 1…4
Preliminary phone number entering
The preliminary phone number entering allows you to enter and edit a
phone number right before dialing.
1. Enter a phone number (up to 25 digits) in the waiting (stand-by) mode (when
the phone is not in use). If the phone number length exceeds 12 digits, then
only the last 12 digits will be displayed on the LCD [2].
2. In case you have entered a wrong digit you can delete it. To do this press
CANCEL [10] button.
3. If you want to delete the whole phone number, then press and hold
CANCEL [10] button for 3 seconds. After that your phone will switch into
the waiting mode.
4. Press “Talk” [4] button. The phone will begin to dial the chosen number.
5. To finish a conversation, press On/Off [5] button or place handset [1] on
the main unit [13].
External call answering
When the phone receives an external call, the main unit [13] and the
handset [1] will begin to ring. The operation LED [15] will begin to blink.
The ‘EXT’ icon will be displayed on the LCD [2].
If your network supports “Caller ID” function, then the caller’s phone number
will be displayed on the LCD [2] and, after you press OK [8] button, the
call date and time will be shown.
1. Press “Talk” [4] button to answer the call.
2. To finish a phone call, press On/Off [5] button or place handset [1] on
the main unit [13].
Internal call’s
For Ultra Twin XD1220 model.
1. Press INT [10] button.
2. Enter the called handset number.
3. To finish a phone call, press On/Off [5] button or place handset [1] on
the main unit [13].
Call transfer
For Ultra Twin XD1220 model.
You can transfer an external call to another internal handset.
1. Press INT [10] button during a phone conversation.
2. Press the digit that corresponds to the number of the internal handset you want
to transfer the call to.
3. Press On/Off [5] button. The call will be transferred and your handset
will switch into the waiting mode.
4. If the called internal handset does not answer the call, press INT [10]
once again to begin a conversation with the external caller.
“Hands Free” function
Using this function you can talk by phone without holding a handset in
your hands.
Activating “Hands Free” during a phone
1. To turn on the “Hands Free” function during a phone conversation, press
[3] button.
When talking in this mode you do not need to hold a handset to your ear.
2. Press [3] once again to turn off “Hands Free” function.
Now you need to hold a handset near to your ear again.
3. To terminate a call, press On\Off [5] button or place handset [1] on the
main unit [13].
Making a phone call using “Hands Free”
1. Press “Talk” [4] button.
2. Press [3] button.
3. Enter a phone number after you hear the sound signal.
4. To terminate a call, press On\Off [5] button or place handset [1] on the
main unit [13].
Redialing function
Up to 20 phone numbers (up to 25 digits each) are stored in your phone
memory. You can choose one of them for redialing.
1. Press [6] button. The last called number will be displayed on the LCD [2].
2. Choose the required phone number using [6] and [7] buttons.
3. Pressing OK [8] button you can display a name under which the chosen
phone number is written down in the phone book or the number itself.
4. If you did not find the phone number you wanted to redial, then press
CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu item.
5. To redial the chosen phone number, press “Talk” [4] button when that
number is displayed on the LCD [2].
6. To terminate a call, press On/Off [5] button or place handset [1] on the
main unit [13].
You can input up to 100 phone numbers into the phone book. Each
number can be stored under its name (up to 12 symbols) do not exceed 25
Inputting a phone number into the phone book
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
2. Press OK [8] button, “ADD” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button, “NAME” will be displayed on the LCD [2].
4. Enter a name (up to 12 symbols) using numerical buttons [11]. Several letters or
punctuation marks correspond to each digit. These letters and digits are written
on each button or near it. To enter a letter, press the corresponding button until
the necessary letter will be displayed. After that, enter the letter by the same way.
If the required letter is located on the same button, then you have to wait until the
cursor will move to the next position. If the required letter is located on another
button, then you do not have to wait.
If you have entered a wrong letter, you can delete it by pressing CANCEL [10]
5. Press OK [8] button to confirm, “NUMBER?” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
6. Enter a phone number that does not exceed 25 digits.
7. Press OK [8] button, “NO VIP” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
Note: If your phone company supports Caller ID function, then
you can choose a melody (within this menu item) that will
be played when a call is received from a specific caller.
8. Press OK [8] button to confirm, “ADD” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
9. To enter another phone number, repeat items 3-8 of this section. Or press
CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Displaying a Phone Number in the Phone Book
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
2. Press OK [8] button, “ADD” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press [7] button several times until “LIST” message will be displayed on
the LCD [2].
4. Press OK [8] button, the name of the first phone number will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
5. Choose the required phone number using [6] and [7] buttons.
6. Instead of [6] and [7] buttons you can also use the numerical buttons
[11]. When pressing buttons from 2 to 9, phone numbers, that have names
beginning from letters corresponding to the pressed button, will be dis-
played on the LCD [2].
7. Press OK [8] button to display a phone number. If a number includes more
than 12 digits, then symbol
will be displayed on the LCD [2]. Press
[7] button do display other digits. Press OK [8] button two more times to
return to the phone number name.
8. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Note: You can also open the phone book by pressing [9] button.
Dialing out of the phone book
1. Press [9] button, the first written phone number will be displayed on LCD [2].
2. Choose the required phone number using [7] and [6] buttons.
3. Press “Talk” [4] button, the phone number will be dialed.
4. To finish the call, press On/Off [5] button or place handset [1] on main
unit [13].
Editing a phone number in the phone book
You can edit saved phone numbers as well as their names.
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
2. Press OK [8] button, “ADD” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press [6] button until “EDIT” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
4. Press OK [8] button, the name of the first phone number will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
5. Choose the required phone number using [7] and [6] buttons.
6. Press OK [8] button to confirm.
7. Make necessary changes using numerical buttons [11] and CANCEL [10]
8. Press OK [8] button after finishing the changes. The phone number digits
that you are editing will be displayed on the LCD [2].
9. Make any necessary changes using the numerical buttons [11] and CAN-
CEL [10] button.
10. Press OK [8] button two times.
11. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Deleting a phone number from the phone book
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
2. Press OK [8] button, “ADD” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press [7] button several times until “DELETE” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
4. Press OK [8] button, the name of the first phone number will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
5. Choose the required phone number using [7] and [6] buttons.
6. Press OK [8] button to display a phone number.
7. Press OK [8] button, “CONFIRM” message will be displayed on the LCD
8. Press OK [8] button to confirm the deletion or press CANCEL [10] button
to exit this menu option.
Deleting all phone numbers from the phone book
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
2. Press OK [8] button, “ADD” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press [7] button several times until “DELETE ALL” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
4. Press OK [8] button, “CONFIRM” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button to confirm the deletion or press CANCEL [10] button to exit
this menu option.
Microphone disconnection
You can turn off the microphone during a phone conversation. In this mode you
can hear the person you are talking to, but he (she) can not hear you.
1. Press MUTE [9] button during a phone conversation. The corresponding icon
will be displayed on the LCD [2].
2. Press MUTE [9] button once again to return to the normal conversation mode.
“Flash” function
This function is usually used in local automatic telephone exchanges and when
using additional functions, if your provider supports them.
Pause function
You can use the pause function during phone number inputting. It can be useful,
for example, when doing long-distance call using a phone number written into the
phone book. Press and hold [6] button for 3 seconds.
Headphone usage
The handset [1] has a socket for plugging in a headphone [17]. When the
headphone is plugged in, the handset microphone and speaker are disconnected.
Handset search function
This function is useful when you can not find a handset.
1. Press
) [16] button. The handset [1] will begin to ring. LED [15] will begin to
blink, ‘INT’ icon will be displayed on LCD [2].
2. To turn off this function, press
) [16] button on main unit [13] or any
one of the numerical buttons [11].
Note: If you do not turn off this function, it will turn off
automatically after 30 seconds.
Handset naming
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
2. Press [7] button, “HANDSET” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button.
4. Press [7] button a few times until “HS NAME” message will be
displayed on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button.
6. Enter a handset name using numerical buttons [11] (up to 5 sym-
7. Press OK [8] button to confirm the entered name.
8. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Keyboard locking
Locking the keyboard helps to prevent any accidental key press-
ing. It can be useful if young children are using the phone. When the
keyboard is locked, only OK [8] button is accessible. You can also
answer a call by pressing “Talk” [4] button. The lock is lifted during a
phone conversation and turned on again after the conversation is fin-
To lock
1) Press OK [8] button.
2) Press ‘*’ [12] button
3) The keyboard lock icon will be displayed on the LCD [2].
To unlock
1) Press OK [8] button.
2) Press ‘*’ [12] button.
3) The keyboard lock icon will disappear from the LCD [2].
Turning the handset on or off
Press and hold On/Off [5] button until the handset will is turned
To turn on the handset, simply press On/Off [5] button.
Auto answering
When the auto answer function is turned on, you can answer the incoming call
by picking up the handset from the main unit, which means you do not have to press
the “Talk” [4] button.
Turning the Auto answering function on/off
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
2. Press [7], “HANDSET” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button.
4. Press [7] button a few times until “AUTO ANS” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button, “ON” or “OFF” message will be displayed on the LCD
6. Chose the required option using [6] and [7] buttons.
7. Press OK [8] button to confirm your choice and to exit to the previous menu
8. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
The PIN code of the main unit
The main unit PIN code is used for registration actions. The default PIN code is
Changing the PIN code
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed on the LCD
2. Press [7] button a few times until “BASE” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button.
4. Press [7] button several times until “CHANGE PIN” message will be dis-
played on the LCD [2].
5. Press OK [8] button, “PIN?” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
6. Enter the “old” 4-digit PIN-code using numerical buttons [11]. (The default PIN
code is 0000).
7. Press OK [8] button, “NEW PIN” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
8. Enter a new 4-digit PIN-code using numerical buttons [11].
9. Press OK [8] button to confirm, “RETYPE” message will be displayed on the
LCD [2].
10. Enter the new 4-digit PIN-code once again using numerical buttons [11].
11. Press OK [8] button to confirm your choice and to exit to the previous menu
12. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
Resetting to defaults
1. Press OK [8] button, “PHONE BOOK” message will be displayed
on the LCD [2].
2. Press [7] button a few times until “BASE” message will be dis-
played on the LCD [2].
3. Press OK [8] button, “RING VOL” message will be displayed on
the LCD [2].
4. Press OK [8] button.
5. Press [7] button a few times until “DEFAULT” message will be dis-
played on the LCD [2].
6. Press OK [8] button, “PIN?” message will be displayed on the LCD [2].
7. Enter the 4-digit PIN-code using the numerical buttons [11].
8. Press OK [8] button.
9. Press CANCEL [10] button to exit this menu option.
If you correctly fulfill all actions of this section, then the main unit and handset
will be reset to defaults.
Note: This function is not supported by all phone networks. Some
providers charge for the service. Find out whether this
function is supported by your provider.
If your phone network supports the function, then the caller information
will be received by your phone when an external call reaches it. This infor-
mation is stored in the incoming call list.
System messages when receiving a call
IF your phone network supports “Caller ID” function, then instead of caller
information you may also see:
WITH HELD: The caller does not want to make his (her) informa-
tion available for you. Therefore the caller turned on the mode that
prevents transfer of the above mentioned information.
UNAVAIL: A network error. The system failed to identify the caller.
Incoming call list
Information about the 20 last answered and non-answered calls is saved