
LG 19HK312C-B, 27HJ710S-W, 27HJ712C-W Инструкция по применению

  • Привет! Я — чат-бот, который прочитал руководство по программному обеспечению для мониторов LG. Я могу ответить на ваши вопросы об установке и использовании драйверов, OnScreen Control, Dual Controller и True Color Pro. В этом руководстве подробно описаны функции каждой программы и даны пошаговые инструкции. Спрашивайте!
  • Как установить драйвер монитора?
    Что такое OnScreen Control?
    Как работает Dual Controller?
    Что нужно для использования True Color Pro?
Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference.
(Windows, Mac)
For information on the drivers and software supported by the model, see the owner’s manual.
Image shown may differ from the product that you are using.
Windows Software
Monitor Driver
Installation priority : Recommended
Usage : The resolution and frequency are adjusted for the monitor.
ASM Driver
(Applies only to models supporting Thunderbolt ( ))
Installation priority : Required
Usage : Driver file used when transferring data via Thunderbolt ( ) port in Windows OS.
How to Install
Installing with the CD provided.
: Insert the user manual CD provided in the product box into the PC’s CD drive and install the driver program.
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
OnScreen Control
Installation priority : Recommended
Usage : Software provided so that the key features of your monitor can be operated in the PC environment, including spilt
screen and the setting of picture modes for each software program.
How to Install
Installing with the CD provided.
: Insert the manual CD provided in the product box into the PC’s CD drive and install the OnScreen Control.
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
How to Run
1 Connect an LG monitor that supports OnScreen Control to the PC.
2 Run OnScreen Control.
Double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop.
Click the tray icon in the bottom right corner of your PC screen. Click Start Program.
How to Use
- You can easily arrange multiple windows by using the split screen layout provided.
Monitor Settings
- You can control the basic features on the settings menu, such as Brightness, Contrast, orientation and Picture Mode for
maximum convenience.
Firmware updates are available in the Monitor Settings Menu when connecting the monitor firmware update feature supported
model. For firmware update, the USB cable ( USB type C to A ) must be connected to the PC.
My Application Preset
- My Application Preset allows you to preset the appropriate picture mode for each individual software program installed
on your PC. When you run an application for which you have already chosen a picture mode in My Application Preset, your
monitor changes to the preset picture mode.
Game Mode Settings
- This mode will be only shown with the monitor which supports Gaming features. It shows the mode optimized for games
from the modes available on the display hardware so that you can select the one that suits you best.
- You can configure the settings for OnScreen Control.
Supported features can be different by model.
Dual Controller (Keyboard/Mouse Sharing Software)
(Applies only to models supporting Dual Controller)
Installation priority : Optional
Usage : Sharing a mouse and a keyboard between PCs connected to the same network; transferring files (providing
compatibility between Windows and Mac OS)
Windows/Mac Windows/Mac
PC 1 PC 2
How to Install
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
How to Run
1 Connect your PC to a network.
2 Connect an LG monitor that supports Dual Controller to the PC.
3 Run Dual Controller.
Double-click the shortcut icon on the desktop.
Click the tray icon on the bottom right of the PC screen and then click Open Dual Controller.
How to Use
1 Check your network connection.
Make sure that the PCs you want to control through keyboard/mouse sharing are connected to the same LAN via a router.
- An LG monitor that supports Dual Controller must be connected to the PC that will be run in Main PC mode.
- Only one user on a network can use Dual Controller. Dual Controller can also be used in office environments. However, it is
recommended to have only one user.
- Dual Controller may not work properly when playing games.
2 Run Dual Controller on the PC running in Main PC mode.
: Click the Main PC button on the PC whose keyboard and mouse will be shared.
3 Run Dual Controller on a Sub PC in Sub PC mode.
: Click the Sub PC button on the PC you want to control.
4 Click the Apply Dual Controller button on the Main PC.
: The Sub PC is automatically searched for on the Main PC mode screen. Click the Apply Dual Controller button on the Main
PC mode screen.
When you move the mouse cursor from the screen of the Main PC to the screen of the Sub PC, you can use the Main PC’s
keyboard and mouse on the Sub PC.
- You can set the positions of the Main PC and the Sub PC, to Left/Right or Right/Left, in PC Position Control in Dual
Controller’s Option tab.
- We recommend that you set the Sub PC so that its screen is only displayed on a monitor.
- If there is an active Internet connection, Dual Controller automatically updates to the latest version when started.
- Dual Controller may not be available on certain websites and networks depending on the security policy.
True Color Pro (Monitor Color Calibration Software)
(Applies only to models supporting True Color Pro)
Installation priority : Optional
Usage : Calibrates the monitor’s color output using the hardware calibration function.
A separate calibrator is required.
- Applicable calibrators : LG Calibrator, Spyder3, Spyder4, Spyder5, i1Display Pro, ColorMunki Photo/Design, and i1Pro2
True Color Pro may not support PBP mode.
Daisy-chain is not supported.
It is recommended to perform calibration after disabling the dual monitor function.
How to Install
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
How to Run
1 Connect the monitor to the PC using the USB cable.
2 Connect the calibrator to the USB IN port of the PC or the monitor.
3 Start the True Color Pro program.
Double-click on the icon on the desktop.
Click the tray icon in the bottom right corner of your PC screen. Click Start Program.
How to Use
For details on using the software, refer to the program’s Help.
True Color Pro launch screen.
Calibration start screen.
For information on the drivers and software supported by the model, see the owner’s manual.
Image shown may differ from the product that you are using.
Mac Software
OnScreen Control
Installation priority : Recommended
Usage : Software provided so that the key features of your monitor can be operated in the PC environment, including spilt
screen and the setting of picture modes for each software program.
How to Install
Installing with the CD provided.
: Insert the manual CD provided in the product box into the PC’s CD drive and install the OnScreen Control.
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
How to Run
1 Connect an LG monitor that supports OnScreen Control to the PC.
2 Run OnScreen Control.
Finder Applications Run OnScreen Control
Click the OnScreen Control icon on the menu bar and then click Start Program.
Search for OnScreen Control in Spotlight search.
How to Use
- You can easily arrange multiple windows by using the split screen layout provided.
Monitor Settings
- You can control the basic features on the settings menu, such as Brightness, Contrast and Picture Mode for maximum
Firmware updates are available in the Monitor Settings Menu when connecting the monitor firmware update feature supported
model. For firmware update, the USB cable ( USB type C to A ) must be connected to the PC.
My Application Preset
- My Application Preset allows you to preset the appropriate picture mode for each individual software program installed
on your PC. When you run an application for which you have already chosen a picture mode in My Application Preset, your
monitor changes to the preset picture mode.
Game Mode Settings
- This mode will be only shown with the monitor which supports Gaming features. It shows the mode optimized for games
from the modes available on the display hardware so that you can select the one that suits you best.
- You can configure the settings for OnScreen Control.
Supported features can be different by model.
Dual Controller (Keyboard/Mouse Sharing Software)
(Applies only to models supporting Dual Controller)
Installation priority : Optional
Usage : Sharing a mouse and a keyboard between PCs connected to the same network; transferring files (providing
compatibility between Windows and Mac OS)
Windows/Mac Windows/Mac
PC 1 PC 2
How to Install
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
1 When the installation program starts, click on Continue. During the installation, you have to accept the license agreement.
2 Enter the Admin User password and click on Install Software.
3 Click on Restart to finish the installation.
How to Run
1 Connect your PC to a network.
2 Connect an LG monitor that supports Dual Controller to the PC.
3 Run Dual Controller.
Finder Applications Run Dual Controller
Click the Dual Controller icon on the menu bar and then click Open Dual Controller.
Search for Dual Controller in Spotlight.
How to Use
Instructions for running Dual Controller for Mac are the same as Dual Controller for Windows. See the instructions for Dual
Controller for Windows.
- The PC whose keyboard and mouse will be shared must be run in Main PC mode.
- An LG monitor that supports Dual Controller must be connected to the PC that will be run in Main PC mode.
- The PC that you want to control with Dual Controller must be run in Sub PC mode.
- Only one user on a network can use Dual Controller.
- Dual Controller may not work properly when playing games.
- We recommend that you set the Sub PC so that its screen is only displayed on a monitor.
- If there is an active Internet connection, Dual Controller automatically updates to the latest version when started.
- Dual Controller may not be available on certain websites and networks depending on the security policy.
True Color Pro (Monitor Color Calibration Software)
(Applies only to models supporting True Color Pro)
Installation priority : Optional
Usage: Calibrates the monitor’s color output using the hardware calibration function.
A separate calibrator is required.
- Applicable calibrators : LG Calibrator, Spyder3, Spyder4, Spyder5, i1Display Pro, and ColorMunki Photo/Design, and i1Pro2
True Color Pro may not support PBP mode.
Daisy-chain is not supported.
It is recommended to perform calibration after disabling the dual monitor function.
How to Install
Downloading from the LG Electronics website.
1 When the installation program starts, click on Continue. During the installation, you have to accept the license agreement.
2 Enter the Super User password and click on Install Software.
3 Click on Restart to finish the installation.
How to Run
1 Connect the monitor to the PC using the USB cable.
2 Connect the calibrator to the USB IN port of the PC or the monitor.
3 Start the True Color Pro program.
Finder Applications Run True Color Pro
True Color Pro
Click on the True Color Pro icon on the menu bar and click on Start Program.
Search for True Color Pro in Spotlight search.
True Color Pro
How to Use
For details on using the software, refer to the program’s Help.
True Color Pro launch screen.
Calibration start screen.
Než začnete zařízení používat, přečtěte si důkladně Návod kobsluze apoté jej uchovejte pro pozdější
(pro systémy
Windows, Mac)
Informace oovladačích asoftwaru, které tento model podporuje, naleznete vnávodu kobsluze.
Zobrazený obrázek se může lišit od produktu, který používáte.
Windows Software
Ovladač monitoru
Priorita instalace : Doporučeno
Použití : Úprava rozlišení a frekvence monitoru.
Ovladač ASM
(Týká se pouze modelů podporujících software Thunderbolt ( ))
Priorita instalace : Požadována
Použití : Soubor ovladače používaný při přenosu dat přes port Thunderbolt ( ) v operačním systému Windows.
Postup instalace
Instalace zdodaného disku CD
: Vložte dodaný disk CD suživatelskou příručkou do jednotky CD vpočítači a nainstalujte ovladače.
Stahování z webu společnosti LG Electronics.
OnScreen Control
Priorita instalace : Doporučeno
Použití : Software je poskytnut, aby mohly být na počítači ovládány důležité funkce monitoru, včetně režimu rozdělení
obrazovky anastavení režimu obrazu pro všechny softwarové programy.
Postup instalace
Instalace zdodaného disku CD
: Vložte dodaný disk CD snávodem do jednotky CD vpočítači anainstalujte program OnScreen Control.
Stahování z webu společnosti LG Electronics.
Postup spuštění
1 ipojte monitor LG, který podporuje software OnScreen Control k počítači.
2 Spusťte software OnScreen Control.
Dvakrát klikněte na ikonu zástupce na ploše.
Klikněte na ikonu voznamovací oblasti vpravém dolním rohu obrazovky počítače. Klikněte na možnost Start Program
(Spustit program).
- Snadno můžete uspořádat více oken pomocí poskytnutého rozvržení rozdělení obrazovky.
Monitor Settings(Monitor Settings)
- Maximálního pohodlí můžete dosáhnout ovládáním základních funkcí vnabídce, kterými jsou Brightness (Jas), Contrast
(Kontrast), orientace aPicture Mode (Režim obrazu).
Možnosti aktualizace firmwaru jsou dostupné nabídce Nastavení monitoru při připojení modelu monitoru podporujícího
aktualizaci firmwaru. Aktualizace firmwaru vyžaduje propojení spočítačem pomocí kabelu USB (typ C–A).