Korting OKB 1131 CSGGr, OKB 1131 CSGN Руководство пользователя

  • Привет! Я — чат-помощник, который ознакомился с руководством пользователя для электрических духовых шкафов KÖRTING OKB 1131 серии. Я могу ответить на ваши вопросы о функциях, безопасности и техническом обслуживании вашего прибора. Например, я знаю, как подготовить духовку к первому использованию и какие режимы нагрева доступны. Задавайте вопросы!
  • Как правильно подготовить духовой шкаф к первому использованию?
    Какие меры безопасности необходимо соблюдать при использовании духовки?
    Что делать, если поврежден силовой кабель?
    Как утилизировать духовой шкаф после окончания срока службы?
Поздравляем Вас с приобретением продукции KÖRTING!
Перед использованием новой техники внимательно изучите Руководство Пользователя. Соблюдение
правил безопасности, эксплуатации и профилактики, обеспечит длительный срок использования
прибора, а также позволит сэкономить Ваше время и деньги.
Пожалуйста, сохраните данное Руководство Пользователя, и используйте в течение всего срока
Нам очень важно Ваше мнение о нашем продукте.
Мы будем признательны, если Вы пришлете свои наблюдения по работе, качеству исполнения и
удобству пользования купленного Вами товара на адрес: info@korting.ru
Информация о приборе.
Сервисная линия KÖRTING может уточнить у вас информацию:
Название модели
Серийный номер прибора
Артикульный номер прибора
Данное изделие соответствует Директиве EU 2002/96/EEC.
Символ перечеркнутого контейнера для отходов на изделии означает, что после
истечения его срока службы утилизация осуществляется отдельно от бытовых отхо-
дов; изделие необходимо сдать в специализированный пункт сбора электрических
и электронных приборов с истекшим сроком службы или передать дилеру во время
приобретения нового аналогичного прибора.
Во время утилизации пользователь несет ответственность за сдачу устройства на
соответствующий пункт сбора. Невыполнение этого условия повлечет санкции,
предусмотренные действующим законодательством по утилизации отходов. Раз-
дельная утилизация необходима для того, чтобы вышедший из строя или
устаревший прибор можно было передать для экологически безопасной переработки,
обработки и разборки, во избежание возможного отрицательного воздействия на окружающую
среду или угрозы здоровью, а также для повторного использования составляющих материалов.
Более подробную информацию об имеющихся системах сбора можно получить в местных службах
по утилизации или в торговой точке, где прибор был приобретен.
Упаковочные материалы следует утилизировать в соответствии с действующими местными стан-
Перед установкой или эксплуатацией прибора следует внимательно ознакомиться с данной ин-
струкцией для получения всей необходимой информации по установке, техническому обслужива-
нию и эксплуатации.
Данную инструкцию следует хранить вместе с прибором в течение всего срока его службы, а также
на случай передачи прибора другим пользователям.
Данный прибор предназначен только для бытового использования, для приготовления и разогре-
вания пищевых продуктов. Прочее применение, отличное от указанного в данном руководстве, счи-
тается некорректным и как следствие опасным.
Настоящий прибор также соответствует требованиям Европейским директивам 89/336/CEE, 73/23/
CEE со всеми последующими поправками.
Данное бытовое устройство соответствует положениям Директив
Европейского Союза
2006/95/CE (низковольтное оборудование)
2004/108/CE (электромагнитная совместимость)
89/109/EC (материалы, предназначенные для контакта с пищевыми продуктами)
2002/96/EC (утилизация отходов электрического и электронного оборудования)
2005/32/CE (изделия для конечных пользователей)
Этот прибор предназначен для бытового использования. Прибором могут пользоваться только
дееспособные взрослые люди. Во время использования прибора не следует подпускать к нему
детей и лиц, чье физическое или умственное состояние не позволяет им безопасно пользоваться
прибором. Прибор нагревается на рабочем этапе и инерционно даже после выключения.
Запрещается касаться внутренних компонентов духовки на этих этапах, а также следует макси-
мально ограничить контакт с наружными компонентами. Во время работы прибора ограничи-
вайте нахождение детей вблизи него. Доступные компоненты могут очень сильно нагреваться.
Для установки в печь или извлечения из нее компонентов или принадлежностей следует всегда
пользоваться защитными перчатками (рукавицами).
Для приготовления пищи пользуйтесь только термостойкими контейнерами.
Не оставляйте прибор без присмотра во время работы; существует опасность выделения масла
или жира, которые могут воспламениться.
Запрещается накрывать печь листами алюминия или ставить на нее другие предметы (сковороды,
подносы), опирать о стены или облокачиваться на нижнюю часть духовки; это может повредить
Запрещается использовать печь для хранения различных предметов; могут возникнуть повреж-
дения как духовки, так и хранящихся в ней предметов при ее включении.
Запрещается сидеть или размещать грузы на открытой дверце, а также подвешивать грузы на ру-
коятку; это может повредить изделие и вызвать сбои в работе.
Перед обслуживанием или чисткой печь следует отключить от сети питания и при необходимости
дать ей остыть.
Обращайте внимание на поток воздуха, выходящего из духовки при открытой дверце: он может
быть очень горячим.
Для чистки запрещается пользоваться паровыми пульверизаторами; это может повредить элек-
трические компоненты.
При повреждении силового кабеля незамедлительно обратитесь в центр послепродажного
технического обслуживания для замены.
Предварительный разогрев духовки следует осуществлять строго в течение обозначенного
Во избежание потерь тепла дверцу следует открывать только при необходимости.
Следует поддерживать чистоту прокладок и уплотнений во избежание распространения теп-
ла; в противном случае могут иметь место повреждения.
Если печь не используется в течение продолжительного времени, ее следует отклю-
чать от электросети.
Для снижения образования конденсата из-за влажности пищевых продуктов всегда следует
прогревать печь перед помещением в нее продуктов. Однако, образование конденсата на сте-
кле дверцы или на стенках духовки не влияет на ее работу, и в процессе приготовления влага
1. Удалите из духовки все элементы внутренней упаковки и все принадлежности.
2. Тщательно протрите поверхности влажной тканью. Вымойте все принадлежности духовки и
тщательно просушите.
3. Важная информация:
Перед первым использованием духовки дайте ей поработать на максимальной мощности, без
продуктов примерно в течение 1 часа. При этом, следует хорошо проветрить помещение. При
этом удалятся пары сгорания, оставшиеся после изготовления: масла, жиры и технические смолы.
Во время транспортировки держите прибор в вертикальном положение, не кладите на него тяже-
лые предметы.
Используйте оригинальную коробку.
Следуйте символам и отметкам на картонной коробке. Закрепите противни и решетку внутри
духового шкафа.
При отсутствии фирменной упаковки: Примите меры по избежанию воздействий которые могут
нанести вред прибору.
Духовой шкаф работает путем выбора программ и настроек на электронном программаторе с сен-
сорными кнопками на панели управлени
Highline200 - это полностью автоматический электронный блок управления
духовкой для встроенных духовок.
4,3-дюймовый цветной TFT-экран
Разрешение 480 x 240 пикселей
Емкостные сенсорные кнопки
Электронный контроль температуры
Время приготовления, отложенные программы приготовления
Готов к употреблению
Любимые кулинарные программы
Приготовление мясного зонда (опция)
Куриная опора
Поддержка охлаждающего вентилятора
Поддержка турецко-английского языка. (Расширяемый)
Highline200 Set Content:
Блок управления и индикации
Блок питания
highline200_sens является
Мясной зонд highline200_prob 1 (Необязательно)
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка свещения камеры духового шкафа.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка отмены или возврата на предыдущий экран.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка блокировки кнопок управления.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка пролистывания экрана налево.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка пролистывания экрана направо.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка «Вверх».
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка «Вниз».
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Кнопка подтверждения выбора.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Верхний нагрев.
Может использоваться для придания готовому блюду аппетитной хрустящей корочки.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Нижний нагрев.
Используется для блюд требующих длительного и медленного пропекания например,
для приготовления блюд в горшочках.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Традиционный нагрев.
Для выпекания и жарки на одном уровне. Выпекание производится за счет работы
верхнего и нижнего нагревательных элементов.
Display Symbols:
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Delayed Cooking Icon
Key Lock Active
Meat Probe
Quick Cooking
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Для выпекания пиццы и фруктовых пирогов. Работают кольцевой нагревательный эле-
мент, нижний нагревательный элемент и вентилятор.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Конвекционный нагрев.
Работают верхний и нижний нагревательные элементы, а также вентилятор. Благодаря
конвекции большие блюда на нескольких уровнях одновременно!
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Малый гриль.
Подходит для жарки на гриле продуктов, размещаемых в середине решетки: бифштек-
сов, шницелей, рыбы или тостов. Работает нагревательный элемент гриля.
Display Symbols:
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Delayed Cooking Icon
Key Lock Active
Meat Probe
Quick Cooking
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Большой гриль.
Оптимален для приготовления больших блюд из мяса или рыбы, которые размещают-
ся на всем пространстве решетки. Работают верхний нагревательный элемент и элемент
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Объемный турбогриль.
Идеально подходит для жарки крупных кусков мяса или птицы на одном уровне, а также
для грантирования и подрумянивания. Работают верхний нагревательный элемент,
элемент гриля и вентилятор.
Display Symbols:
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Delayed Cooking Icon
Key Lock Active
Meat Probe
Quick Cooking
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Горячий воздух.
Режим для одновременной жарки и выпекания на одном, двух или трех уровнях. В этом
режиме работают кольцевой нагревательный элемент и вентилятор. Режим подходит для
выпекания пиццы и фруктовых пирогов. Работают кольцевой нагревательный элемент,
нижний нагревательный элемент и вентилятор.
Display Symbols:
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Delayed Cooking Icon
Key Lock Active
Meat Probe
Quick Cooking
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Поддержание тепла.
Режим предназначен для поддержания тепла уже приготовленных блюд. Может исполь-
зоваться для подогрева посуды.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Вентилятор работает без нагрева. За счет постоянной циркуляции воздуха комнатной
температуры продукты размораживаются естественным образом, но значительно
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Включена функция таймера.
Под этом символом будет отображаться время до автоматического отключения духо-
вого шкафа. Таймер включается во время выбора настроек приготовления в разделе
меню «Продолжительность приготовления».
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Включена функция отложенного старта.
Духовка запрограммирована и ожидает автоматического включения с последующим
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Функция блокировки активирована.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Температурный индикатор.
Шкала заполняется, указывая степень нагрева духового шкафа до заданной
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Происходит процесс приготовления.
Под этим символом будет отображаться время с начала приготовления.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Режим паузы.
Приготовление приостановлено.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Акустический сигнал.
Под этом символом будет отображаться время до подачи звукового уведомления
без отключения духового шкафа.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Символ отсутствия приготовления.
Этот символ отображается, если процесс приготовления не начат, либо
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Символ процесса приготовления.
Этот символ отображается на экране в том случае, если происходит процесс нагрева
Выбор программы зависит от условий приготовления будущего блюда и необходимых Вам настро-
ек. Переключение между программами производится путем нажатием кнопок
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. Для воз-
врата в предыдущее меню нажмите кнопку отмены
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. Для выбора программы нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Программа «Быстрый старт» является программой быстрого включения нагрева духового шкафа
без лишних настроек. После выбора «Быстрый старт» необходимо выбрать лишь режим приготов-
ления. Для выбора необходимого режима воспользуйтесь кнопками
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. Температура для
каждого режима предустановлена. Нажмите кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для начала приготовления.
Для изменения температурного режима во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку подтвержде-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовой шкаф перейдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. В это
время Вы можете изменить температуру и/или добавить таймер автоматического отключения.
Чтобы изменения вступили в силу, пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы режиме изменения настроек) нажми-
те на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней
части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку подтверж-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
По окончанию приготовления с функцией таймера или отложенного старта духовой шкаф будет
издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отключении нагревательных элементов. На экране появится
подсказка «Нажмите»
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить или
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким
образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками,
что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Программа «Экспертное приготовление» предусматривает выбор всех доступных настроек: выбор
режима, температуры, продолжительность приготовления, функцию отложенного старта, акустиче-
ский сигнал и функцию быстрого разогрева.
После выбора программы «Экспертное приготовление» выберете режим приготовления путем
нажатия кнопок
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, затем нажмите кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. Нажимая кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
переходите к следующим настройкам режима до тех пор, пока не появится последнее
меню с подтверждением всех выбранных настроек. Чтобы начать приготовление, необходимо на-
жать кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
в последнем меню настроек.
Для просмотра всех параметров во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. На экране будет
показана вся информация по заданным настройкам в течение нескольких секунд и автоматически
переведет экран обратно на процесс приготовления.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы режиме изменения настроек) нажми-
те на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней
части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку подтверж-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
По окончанию приготовления с функцией таймера или отложенного старта духовой шкаф будет
издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отключении нагревательных элементов. На экране появится
подсказка «Нажмите
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить или
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким
образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовой шкаф продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками,
что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Готовые рецепты это автоматические программы для приготовления различных блюд. После
выбора рецепта, духовой шкаф самостоятельно установит необходимый режим приготовления,
температуру и время приготовления, которое будет зависеть от выбранного Вами веса продук-
та, и подскажет, на какой уровень необходимо будет поставить противень с продуктами.
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
Мясо целиком / Мясо кусочками
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
Курица целиком / Курица кусочками
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
Рыба целиком / Рыба кусочками Пирог
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
The prepared recipes menu has different food groups and you can choose the recipe you desire from these
groups. The optimum cooking function, temperature, cooking duration values will be automatically
executed for the selected food.
Prepared Recipes Menu
Prepared Recipes Submenu
The food types available in the prepared food menu are as follows:
Red Meat / Chopped Red Meat Cake
Chicken / Chopped Chicken Leavened
Fish / Chopped Fish Pie
Macaroni Food-Drying
Yogurt Frozen Food
Замороженные продукты
Для изменения настроек во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф пере-
йдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. После установки необходимых
изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для просмотра всех параметров во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. На экране будет
показана вся информация по заданным настройкам в течение нескольких секунд и автоматически
переведет экран обратно на процесс приготовления.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы режиме изменения настроек) нажми-
те на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней
части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку под-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
По окончанию приготовления духовой шкаф будет издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отклю-
чении нагревательных элементов. На экране появится подсказка «Нажмите
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф
продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками, что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим
отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Духовой шкаф может запомнить до пяти программ, которые Вы хотели бы сохранить. Программа
предусматривает все настройки режимов, температуры и пр. Таким образом, включить духовой
шкаф с нужными Вами настройками по конкретному рецепту будет намного проще.
Чтобы сохранить любимую программу, следуйте следующим инструкциям:
1. Вне режима приготовления зайдите в раздел «Любимые программы».
2. Выберите пустую ячейку для заполнения будущей программой. Программы маркируются под
названием «Любимая программа 1», «Любимая программа 2» и т.д. без возможности переиме-
нования. Если все ячейки заняты, Вы можете перезаписать любую ячейку.
3. Духовка предложит записать в эту ячейку последние используемые параметры. Выбрав
«Сохранить», будут сохранены последние настройки, при выборе «Продолжить», можно устано-
вить необходимые параметры вручную.
4. После установки необходимых изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего
экранного меню и нажмите кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы воспользоваться любимой программой, зайдите в раздел «Любимые программы», выберите
сохраненную программу и выберите «Старт». Если Вы выбрали не ту программу и еще не запустили
ее, нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для изменения настроек во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф пере-
йдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. После установки необходимых
изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для просмотра всех параметров во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. На экране будет
показана вся информация по заданным настройкам в течение нескольких секунд и автоматически
переведет экран обратно на процесс приготовления.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы режиме изменения настроек) нажми-
те на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней
части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку подтверж-
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
По окончанию приготовления с функцией таймера или отложенного старта духовой шкаф будет
издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отключении нагревательных элементов. На экране появится
подсказка «Нажмите
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить или
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким
образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками,
что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
После подключения термощупа (комплектация зависит от модели) в специальное
отверстие в камере духового шкафа, на экране появится режим приготовле-
ния с термощупом. Термощуп это температурный зонд, который измеряет темпера-
туру продукта, выводит температуру на экран, и отключает духовой шкаф при до-
стижении той температуры, которую Вы выставите.
Для приготовления с термощупом выполните следующее:
1. Вне режима приготовления зайдите в раздел «Любимые программы».
2. Зонд термощупа следует установить в продукт, который собираетесь готовить: в мясо, рыбу и пр.
3. Выберите в главном меню программу приготовления с термощупом (появляется автоматически
перед всеми программами первой при подключении термощупа в специальный разъем в каме-
ре духового шкафа).
4. Выберите необходимый режим приготовления, температуру, при котором будет готовиться
блюдо, а также показание термощупа – это температура продукта, при достижении которого
произойдет автоматическое отключение духовки.
5. Пролистайте до последнего экранного меню, и выберите «Старт» для начала приготовления.
2.4.4. Cooking With Meat Probe
An audible warning is given when meat probe is affixed to Highline200. This warning means that the meat
probe has been recognized and the user menu is updated according to the cooking with the meat probe
With cooking with meat probe, cooking process will end when the temperature of the meat that the probe
was stuck into reaches the desired temperature.
The steps to be followed are as follows;
I. The Cooking With Meat Probe Menu is entered/accessed
II. The desired cooking program is selected from the first submenu
III. The desired oven temperature is selected from the second submenu
IV. The meat probe temperature is selected from the third submenu
V. If desired, alarm and quick heating are selected from the fifth and sixth submenus
VI. In the last sub menu, the oven is operated by pressing the OK key
When the meat probe is removed from the oven, the menus will automatically be updated and other
cooking programs will be ready for use.
The screen shot for the cooking with meat probe menu is
given on the left side. The probe temperature set can be
seen on the right hand side at the bottom and the current
probe temperature likewise on the information part at the
Время работы
духового шкафа
после включения
в духовом
при достижении
которой произойдет
духового шкафа.
Текущее показание термощупа: 28
Для изменения настроек во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф
перейдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. После установки необходимых
изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Для просмотра всех параметров во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
. На экране будет
показана вся информация по заданным настройкам в течение нескольких секунд и автоматически
переведет экран обратно на процесс приготовления.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления в режиме паузы режиме изменения настроек)
нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы прервать процесс приготовления во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, в нижней части экрана появится надпись «Вы хотите остановить приготовление?». Нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
для отключения духовки.
2.1. Standby Screen and Main Menu Items
It is the screen on which no program is running. Highline200 has three different standby screens
and these can be changed over from the "Settings" menu. The first screen shows the logo and
the date-time information and the second one shows the analog time and date information
digitally and the third one shows the digital time.
While the “analogue clock” is shown on the standby screen , the background color turns red,
when the oven temperature exceeds 60 C.
Easy Cook: A menu in which cooking is done with select only cooking function setting.
Chef: The menu in which cooking is done.
Prepared Recipes: A menu of various recipes prepared.
Favorite Foods: The menu in which programs most frequently used are saved.
Alarm: Alarm menu set for general uses except for cooking.
Settings: The menu in which product settings are made.
Service: The menu for access to authorized service phone numbers.
2.2. Easy Cook
Easy Cook is a program which cooking is done with only selecting cooking function. The cooking
temperature determined automatically according to cooking function. Users must be finished the cooking
manually when they want.
User can pause the cooking with OK button and enter the setting menu. Than change cooking function,
cooking temperature and cooking time if they want.
Акустический сигнал это звуковое оповещение духовки через определенный установленный
Вами промежуток времени. Акустический сигнал можно установить как во время приготовления,
так и без активированных программ. Акустический сигнал не отключает духовой шкаф во время
Чтобы активировать акустический сигнал без приготовления, следуйте следующим инструкциям:
1. Выберите программу «Акустический сигнал» в главном меню.
2. Выберите время, по истечение которого должен будет прозвучать сигнал.
3. Нажмите на кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
Чтобы отключить акустический сигнал:
1. Выберите программу «Акустический сигнал» в главном меню.
2. Нажмите кнопку отмены
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, появится надпись «Отменить акустический сигнал?», нажми-
те на кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
В духовом шкафу доступны следующие настройки:
Параметр Варианты Описание
Язык Русский / Английский / Турецкий Язык экранного меню.
Громкость 0 - 5
Уровень громкости при нажа-
тии на кнопки; уровень громкости
акустического сигнала.
Режим экономии
Активен / Отключен
При активации режима экономии
энергии экран будет менее
ярким в режиме ожидания.
Отображение времени 12 / 24 Варианты отображения времени.
°С / °F
Показания температуры по Цель-
сию или Фаренгейту.
Блокировка от детей Активен / Отключен
Блокировка сенсорных кнопок
активируется через 3 минуты после
включения данного режима.
Изменение настроек даты и теку-
щего времени.
Заставка дисплея
Логотип / Аналоговые часы /
Цифровые часы
Заставка, которая будет по-
являться на экране вне режимов
приготовления во время ожидани.
Духовку можно запрограммировать на автоматическое включение с последующим
автоотключением на желаемую продолжительность времени. Для включения отложенного
старта выберите любую программу кроме программы «Быстрый старт», выберите режим
приготовления и температуру, затем необходимо установить продолжительность приготовления.
Следующий параметр время окончания приготовления: выберите, к какому времени необходимо
приготовить блюдо. После установки необходимых изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
те до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку подтверждения
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
На экране засветится индикатор отсутствия приготовления
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started.
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
и индикатор активированного
отложенного старта
Display Symbols:
Upper Heater
Time- Adjustable Cooking Icon
Lower Heater
Delayed Cooking Icon
Static Cooking
Key Lock Active
Lower heater + Turbo
Meat Probe
Static + Fan
Quick Cooking
Oven Grill
It indicates the units which are relevant to reaching
the target furnace temperature. The target
temperature is divided by 5 and an increment of one
unit is implemented at each step.
Upper Heater + Grill
It indicates that the process for manuel cooking and
some programs continue.
Grill + Fan
It indicates that the process for manual cooking and
some programs , have been paused.
Turbo Cooking
Non-Steaming Pot. It indicates that the cooking
process has not been started or has been paused.
Chicken Spit-Roasted
It indicates that the cooking process has started .
Keeping Warm
It shows, when the alarm is set up, the remaining time
for the alarm to be activated on the display.
Indicates that the cooking process is complete and it
is ready to be served.
Для изменения настроек во время приготовления нажмите на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф
перейдет в режим ожидания и переведет процесс нагрева на паузу. После установки необходимых
изменений с помощью кнопки
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
пролистайте до последнего экранного меню и нажмите кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
По окончанию приготовления духовой шкаф будет издавать звуковой сигнал, оповещая об отключении
нагревательных элементов. На экране появится подсказка «Нажмите
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы продолжить или
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, чтобы завершить приготовление». Таким образом, нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
, духовой шкаф
продолжит приготовление с теми же настройками, что были установлены прежде, с автоматическим
отключением через 6 минут. Нажимая на кнопку
Touch Buttons and Their Functions
Oven Lamp Button.
While moving through the menus,it allows you to return to the previous menu
and eventually to the standby screen. It stops the operation when pressed during
cooking process.
It allows the child safety lock to be active or passive. When
activated, the display shows the lock symbol.
It allows you to scroll left in the menu.
It allows you to scroll right in the menu.
It increases the values in the menu.
It decreases the values in the menu.
It allows you to enter the selected menu, activate the values to be set, confirm
the set value, start and pause the cooking program.
духовка отключится.
Перед жаркой лучше всего прогреть духовой шкаф до температуры приготовления блюда. Без пред-
варительного прогрева можно жарить только очень жирное мясо. Не используйте для жарки противни
и поддоны с низкими стенками, чтобы избежать разбрызгивания жира по стенкам, подгорания соуса и
образования дыма. Вместо этого используйте глубокие поддоны (желательно керамические); устанавли-
вайте их примерно в средней части духового шкафа. Ниже в таблице приведены примеры Настройки
температуры и времени приготовления. Время приготовления зависит от типа блюда, его однородности
и объема.
Разумеется, приготовив то или иное блюдо несколько
раз, вы можете корректировать значения, приведенные в
Духовой шкаф можно выключить за несколько минут до окончания приготовления пищи; температура
внутри шкафа достаточна, чтобы завершить приготовление. Открывайте дверцу шкафа лишь в случае
крайней необходимости; степень готовности блюда можно определить сквозь стеклянное окно дверцы
(лампа подсветки духового шкафа включена постоянно).
Ниже в таблице приведены примеры настройки температуры и времени приготовления.
Время приготовления зависит от типа блюда, его однородности и объема. Разумеется, приготовив то или
иное блюдо несколько раз, вы можете корректировать значения, приведенные в таблице.
Время приготовления мясных рулетов и жаркого из говядины, телятины, свинины и индей-
ки на кости следует увеличить на 20 минут;
Номера уровней, указанные в таблице, относятся к случаю одновременного приготовления не-
скольких блюд;
Значения времени приготовления, указанные в таблице, относятся к случаю приготовления лишь
одного блюда. Время приготовления комплексных блюд следует увеличить на 5–10 минут.
Таблица. Время приготовления различных блюд в духовом шкафу.
Таблица. Время приготовления различных блюд в духовом шкафу.
Положение 1 и 2 снизу. Хорошо готовится замороженная выпечка, бефстроганов, индейка, пироги,
мясной стейк.
Положение 2 снизу. Пироги, сэндвичи, тосты, запеканка, отрубной хлеб, мясо.
Положение 2 и 3 снизу. Печенье, тонко нарезанное мясо.
Положение 3 снизу. Для поджаривания на гриле.
Информация, относящаяся к положениям приготовления, является справочной, и ее следует интер-
претировать, исходя из кулинарного опыта.
В зависимости от комплектации в приборе могут присутствовать телескопические направляющие.
Телескопические направляющие облегчают установку принадлежностей в духовой шкаф. Для
снятия с фиксации достаточно слегка нажать на выдвижные элементы, задвигая их назад в духовую
СМ. СТР 14
В зависимости от модели духовой шкаф может быть оснащен камнем для пиццы.
Камень эффективно аккумулирует тепло и удаляет излишки влаги, позволяя готовить любые
типы блюд без использования масел и жиров, сохраняя сочность и полезные элементы, сокращая
время приготовления.
Особая форма воздушных каналов помогает равномерно распределять тепло по всей поверх-
ности и выводить остатки влаги из внутренней структуры камня.
Позволяет готовить без использования жиров и масла, помогая сохранять сочность продук-
тов их полезные элементы, придавая хрустящую корочку и удаляя излишки влаги.
Отключает питание прибора в случае перегрева, вызванное нарушением правил эксплуатации или
возможной неисправностью компонентов. Если автоматическое отключение сработало в результате
нарушения правил эксплуатации духового шкафа, следует дождаться его охлаждения, после чего
можно продолжать пользоваться духовым шкафом. В случае же срабатывания из-за неисправности
компонентов необходимо обратиться в сервисный центр.
Данный прибор оборудован тангенциальным вентилятором для охлаждения панели управления
и рукоятки дверцы духовки. Вентилятор начинает работать через несколько минут после начала
приготовления, когда температура в духовки достигает определенного значения (время варьирует-
ся в зависимости от модели), а также предотвращает перегрева корпуса духового шкафа. Горячий
воздух, выходящий из-под панели управления, продолжает вытягиваться также после отключения
духовки до тех пор, пока температура не опустится до нормального уровня.
Полный список аксессуаров по уходу за техникой вы можете найти на сайте www.korting.ru
Перед началом любых операций по обслуживанию прибора рекомендуется отключить питание.
Запрещается чистить прибор паровыми моечными установками.
Чтобы надолго сохранить яркость эмалированных поверхностей, чистите духовой шкаф после
каждого использования.
После охлаждения духового шкафа удалите с его поверхностей жир.
Используйте для этого губку или ткань, смоченную в мыльной воде или средство рекомендован-
ное производителем.
Во избежание невосстановимого повреждения эмали не используйте абразивные губки или ткань.
Необходимо чистить все поверхности духовых шкафов, даже панель управления, ручки и инди-
каторы. В противном случае они изменят свой цвет из-за оседающих на них мельчайших капель
После использования духового шкафа тщательно сполосните водой все стальные детали и вы-
сушите их сухой тканью или замши.
Для удаления стойких загрязнений используйте обычные неабразивные чистящие средства,
средство Korting для очистки духовых шкафов и грилей K05 или теплый уксус.
Для чистки стекла дверцы используйте мягкую ткань, смоченную в теплой воде или спрей для
очистки стекла и твердых поверхностей KORTING K11
Не используйте абразивные средства.
Запрещается использовать кислотные продукты (например, для удаления накипи), поскольку они
могут повредить эмалированные компоненты.
Отключите нагрев, дождитесь, пока внутренние компоненты духовки остынут, перед тем как до-
трагиваться до них или чистить.
При чистке влажной губкой или мягкой тканью принимайте меры предосторожности, если по-
верхность горячая: может образовываться пар и причинить ожог. Кроме того, некоторые моющие
средства выделяют пары при попадании на разогретые поверхности.
Следует регулярно проверять состояние резиновой прокладки по краям камеры духовки. Она га-
рантирует нормальную работу прибора. Если отмечается повреждение прокладки, обратитесь в
ближайший сервисный центр.
Установка хромированных решеток происходит в обратном порядке.
Ваша духовка оснащена специальной микропористой панелью с каталитическими свойствами, рас-
положенной на задней стенке духовки, которая постепенно окисляет и удаляет жир. Самоочистка
происходит при температуре свыше 200 °С. Если после завершения приготовления пищи на задней
стенке духового шкафа осталось много жира, включите пустой духовой шкаф на максимальной тем-
пературе и дайте ему поработать в течение одного часа. Самоочищающиеся панели нельзя чистить
абразивными и едкими чистящими средствами. Их следует регулярно протирать влажной тканью.
решетку вверх.
решетку из