Sony ICF-S80//C Руководство пользователя

  • Я прочитал инструкцию по эксплуатации для водостойкого радиоприемника Sony ICF-S80. В ней подробно описаны функции устройства, включая настройку времени, предустановку радиостанций, использование таймеров и особенности поддержания водонепроницаемости. Задавайте ваши вопросы!
  • Как установить время на радиоприемнике?
    Как настроить радиоприемник на нужную станцию?
    Как работает таймер обратного отсчета?
    Как использовать кнопки предустановки?
    Как обеспечить водонепроницаемость радио?
FM/AM Shower Radio
   RU
Operating Instructions GB
Прослушивание радиоприемника
Прослушивание предустановленной станции
Предварительная установка станций
    5  . 
    5   
  FM  AM.
Руководство по компонентам и регуляторам
 
 
 / ()
 
 
 
 *
 FM/AM
 TIMER SET/ON/OFF ( 
 )
(  
   .)
 +,
 AUTO OFF
   
  
     3 
 .    
   
   
   
    .
    
  .  
  ,  
  .
   
   
  
    
  
  
    
 ,   
  
 
 .
,  
   
12- . (“AM”  “PM”
24-   .)
 //
   
  .
  ,     ,  
  
  
 “
 
 .
  .
    .
Улучшение радиоприема
   
     
(1 – 5),        
   .
    1  3
 “
” .
  FM  AM,    
    .
Для FM
Для AM
 
FM- 
 .
   
(),     .
         
 (FM)      (AM).    
- ,         .
Как прикрепить ручной ремень
       .
  ,     . 
      .
  
  
 .
  
 ,
 
  
Подвешивание радиоприемника
    ,  
,       ( ).
•        
,     .
•       ,
   ,     
  .
•        . 
      . 
 ,      
  .
Как извлечь или уложить
проволочную FM-антенну
   
  .
(  
  .)
Полезные функции
Таймер автоматического
  
    (
).    
    ,  
  .
1  AUTO OFF.
   AUTO OFF”  
    
(“60”).   AUTO OFF 
 , 
 .
2  AUTO OFF  
  , 
  AUTO OFF”.
    
  ( )
   
3  ENTER.
  
 ,   AUTO OFF”
 .   
ENTER  3 ,  
  
   ,   
,    AUTO OFF  
  .
Для отмены таймера
автоматического выключения
    
,    
•      “OFF”.
•  ,     .
Для изменения таймера
автоматического выключения в
процессе его работы
   1   
   2.
Таймер обратного отсчета
    
    1  (
90 ).   
     , 
 .
1  TIMER SET/ON/OFF.
“1”* (  ) 
  .
“1”      ,  
 .    
    ( ).
2  +  –  
    1 
90    ,   “1”
(  ) 
 .
3  TIMER SET/ON/OFF 
    
 ,   
   .
   
“0:00”  ,    
60     .
Для остановки сигнала зуммера
  .
Для остановки таймера обратного
 TIMER SET/ON/OFF.
   ,  
   .
Для задания часто используемых
установок таймера обратного
отсчета кнопкам предустановки
    
  
   5  .
1  TIMER SET/ON/OFF,  
   ,
 +  .
2     
 (1 – 5),   
      
 .
Для использования
предварительно установленного
таймера обратного отсчета
1  TIMER SET/ON/OFF.
2    ,
    
  
 .
3  TIMER SET/ON/OFF  ENTER.
    
•       – 3
 ( 1), 10 ( 2), 20  ( 3),
40 ( 4)  60  ( 5). 
    
,     
•       
   
      
60.     
     .
•      / 
   ,
     .
      
     +  .   
      
  .
     , , 
    .
    
  (,  ).
      
   .
      
    
 ,   ,   ..
Для покупателей в России
  FM/AM
:  , 1-7-1 ,
-,  108-0075, .
  
     
 “ ”, , 123103, ,
 , 6
     
 .
Для покупателей в Казахстане
,  
    
 « »
  , 050010, 
,. , . ,  117/7
Утилизация использованных
элементов питания и
отслужившего электрического и
электронного оборудования
(Директива применяется в
странах Евросоюза и других европейских
странах, где действуют системы
раздельного сбора отходов)
 
    ( IPX4) 
  ,   ..
    
 FM  AM .
  :  
 90    
5     
   
   .
(Прочтите перед
  
   
 ,
  IPX4*
 
  “    ”
 IEC60529 “ , 
 ( IP)”.    , ,
  ,    ,
    .
    
       .
   ,    ,
     .
*,    
 , 
 
,  
  ( 
  
  ,
 ,  ,
   ,
   ..)
     , ,
  .  ,  ,
       
 .
  
    ,
  ,  . 
,    
  - 
    .
Для сохранения свойств
    
  .
•        
  . 
    , 
      .
 ,  ,   
  ,   ,
  ..     
   .   -
    , 
       
.     
     
 ,      
 .
•  ,    
 FM-    
     
 .
•     
  ,    
  .  ,
     
   
   . 
  
   
    . (  
.)    
       
•        . 
     
        
 - .  ,  
      ,
        
  (   30 ).
      
   ,  ,  
    .  
   ,    
 -   .
•       
  (   40 °C)
  (   0 °C) .
    
-   .  
    
 0 °C ,   , 
,      .
•        
      
   ,  
- ,   .  ,
       
 ,     .
•  ,      
   .  
     
Уход за радиоприемником в условиях
•      
 ,    
   .   
     
    .
•      , 
       
   .   
    ,  
•      
 (    ) 
   ,    
.     
       
,       .
    
   ,   
 .
Меры предосторожности
•      
R14 ( C) ( ).
•    , 
 , ,    .
       ,
  .
•      - 
     
    
 .
•       . 
  ,    
,    .
•       .
    ,    
   .   
      
   .
Примечания по замене батареек
•      
      
  ,     .
  ,   
-    .
•        
.     
 .
•       
     ,   
     (
). 
    , 
“”   “”, 
  .     
  .
•      60 
     .
     
  ,  , 
    
  .  
,     .
 ,    
)     
 .    
     .
•       
  .
•    ,   
    . 
  
  ,    ,
     
 .
•       
    ,
  ,   ..
В случае протекания батареек
      
 .
    . 
     Sony.
    ,   ,   
 .    
      
 .
       
   .     
      
  .
При возникновении каких-либо вопросов или проблем,
связанных с устройством, обращайтесь к ближайшему
дилеру Sony.
Поиск и устранение
     
 ,    
Дисплей тусклый или не отображается
•     
       
Очень слабый или прерывистый звук, или
неудовлетворительный прием.
•    ,   .
•     
  , ,    
Шум в динамике акустической системы.
•      
,     
.     .
Батарейки разрядились очень быстро.
•    ,  
 .    
   . “   ”
 “ ”.
• 
 ,    
•      
 .  
     
 .    
 ,   ,    .
Индикатор заряда батареек ( )
продолжает высвечиваться даже после
замены батареек.
•  ,     .
• ,    .
Не удается принять нужную станцию при
нажатии кнопки предустановки.
• , ,   
,     ,
      . 
     .
Дисплей времени
12- /24-  (
Диапазон частот
87,5   108  (  50 )
531  – 1602  (  9 )
Промежуточная частота
FM: 128
AM: 45
Акустическая система
.  7,7 , 8 , 
Выходная мощность звуковой частоты
500 
Требования к питанию
4,5   ,   R14
( C)
Время работы от батареек*
. 100  (FM )
. 100  (AM )
*      
  Sony (LR14SG).  
 JEITA (  
   ).
     
      
Размеры (Ш/В/Г)
. 145  × 128,4  × 62,1 
. 375  ( )
. 575  ( )
: 1
 : 1
Прилагаемые аксессуары
  (1)
     
  .
 ENTER 
 .
Начало работы
 .
   R14
( C) ( ).
  
 .
  FM-,
  ,  ,
   
 FM- 
  .
  /
    () 
    ().
 .
        “0:00”
( “12:00 AM”).    SET CLOCK,  
   .
•           65 .
•              
60.       .
Установка часов
Установка минут
 + 
–  
 + 
–  
 ENTER 
 .
 ,      
/   LOCK    ().
      24-  
12-    ,   ,  + 
  1   ,     .
      ,         .
    . “Функция водонепроницаемости (Прочтите перед использованием радиоприемника)”.
 
 +  ,
  
 .
  
   
.  ,  
,  
    
3 ,    
  .
 ENTER   3,
   3-
  
.  ,  
     
,     ENTER.
    
  .
  
   ,
,   
 .
Ручная настройка
 
+  ,  
 
  .
Пример индикации на дисплее
(при настройке на FM-станцию)
    
 +  –    
.    
     .
    
  .
 
 
 
 +  –     .
     
   .  
     .
Для изменения
предустановленной станции
1    
2   
  ,
  ,  
,    
  
   
 
Пример: Предустановка настроенной
станции для кнопки предустановки 1
 
  
 ,  
 
 
   
  , 
 
 
 
  
  
 2.
    
   ,
  “– – –” (),
   , 
   
Пример: Прослушивание предустановленной станции,
зарегистрированной на кнопке предустановки 1
 
FM  AM.
 
 1.
   
 
  ,  
 
, 
   1.
   
FM   .
   
    
    .
     
,      
 .
•   
   
FM-  
, 
 
,  
  
   
 . 
  
,    
•   
,   
    ,
    
 .
Извлечение проволочной антенны
Укладывание проволочной
  
   :
©2014 Sony Corporation Printed in China
FM/AM Shower Radio
   RU
Operating Instructions GB
Listening to the Radio
Listening to a preset station
Presetting stations
Preset favorite stations to the 5 preset buttons. You can preset up to 5 stations
each for FM and AM bands.
Guide to parts and controls
The date of
and the serial
number are
indicated here.
/ (power) button
Volume control
Strap belt
Preset buttons*
FM/AM button
TIMER SET/ON/OFF button (for countdown
(holding down the button enters the clock
setting mode.)
+,  buttons
AUTO OFF button
String eyelets
Battery compartment cover
The preset button numbered 3 has a tactile dot. Use the
tactile dot as a reference when operating the radio.
Flashes when setting the countdown
timer, and lights up while the countdown
timer is in progress.
Lights up or flashes when the battery
power is low. Replace all the batteries with
new ones when this indicator starts
Lights up when the unit is receiving radio
Flashes when setting the auto off timer,
and lights up when the auto off timer is in
Lights up when presetting the stations or
countdown times to the preset buttons, or
when selecting a preset station or preset
countdown time.
Lights up when the clock display mode is
set to the 12-hour system. (“AM” and “PM”
does not light up in the 24-hour system.)
Frequency/time/message area
Indicates the currently selected band.
You can see if the unit is receiving radio signals or not by checking the
indicator when the volume is at minimum level.
The radio is turned on and
lights up on the display.
Turn on the radio.
Select the band.
Tune to the station you want.
Improving radio reception
Tune to the station you want.
Press and hold the desired preset button (1 – 5) until
you hear a beep and the preset number appears on
the display.
Follow steps 1 to 3 in “Listening to the
Radio” above.
Select the FM or AM band, and then press the preset button to listen to
the preset station.
For FM
For AM
Adjust the angle of
the FM wire
antenna for good
Attach the suction cup (supplied) securely as
shown below.
When radio reception is poor, it can be improved by using the wire antenna (FM) or reorienting the unit
itself (AM). If reception problems still persist, try changing the installation location to a place such as near
a window or door.
How to attach the strap belt
Only one end of the strap belt is attached at the time of purchase.
Attach the other end as shown below. To remove the belt, take it off
in the reverse order.
Fit the hole of the belt into the
head of the projecting part
securely. Otherwise, the belt
may come off and the radio
may fall from its hanging
Hanging the Radio
You can hang this radio as shown below, using the strap belt or a
string (not supplied).
• Do not hang the radio in an unstable or easy to fall position.
• If using a string, choose one that is strong enough to support the weight of the
radio and tie it tightly to prevent the radio from falling.
• Avoid excessive pressure onto the strap belt or string. Otherwise the belt or the
string may break. Be careful not to apply excessive pressure to the belt or the
string when hanging the radio.
How to take out or store the FM wire
Reorient the unit itself to find good
reception. (A ferrite bar antenna is built
into the unit.)
Convenient functions
Auto Off Timer
The radio automatically turns off after a set time
(in minutes) has elapsed. With this function, you
can avoid forgetting to turn off the power of the
1 Press AUTO OFF.
The AUTO OFF” indicator starts flashing and
the default setting (“60”) appears on the
display. If you press AUTO OFF while the radio
is off, the radio turns on automatically.
2 Press AUTO OFF repeatedly to select
the desired setting while the AUTO
OFF” indicator is flashing.
Each time you press the button, the duration
(in minutes) changes on the display as follows:
3 Press ENTER.
The selected setting is confirmed with a beep
and the AUTO OFF” indicator stops flashing. If
you do not press ENTER within about 3
seconds, the currently selected setting is
confirmed automatically.
You can check the time left until the radio turns off by pressing
AUTO OFF again after setting the auto off timer.
To cancel the auto off timer
You can cancel the auto off timer using either of
the following methods:
• Set the auto off timer to “OFF.
• Turn off the radio once, and then turn it on again.
To change the auto off timer while
the auto off timer is in progress
Start over from step 1, and select the desired
setting in step 2.
Countdown Timer
You can set the countdown timer to 1 minute
intervals (maximum 90 minutes). When the
countdown ends, an alarm buzzer reminds you
that time is up.
and “1”* (default setting) start flashing on
the display.
“1” will flash only when you have set the first time.
Thereafter, the previously selected countdown time (in
minutes) will flash.
2 Press + or – to set the countdown
timer between 1 and 90 minutes while
and “1” (default setting) are flashing
on the display.
and the selected countdown time stop
flashing and the countdown starts with a
When the countdown ends,
and “0:00” start
flashing and an alarm buzzer beeps for 60
To stop the alarm buzzer
Press any button.
To stop the countdown timer
Press TIMER SET/ON/OFF. The countdown timer
will be cancelled and the current time will appear
on the display.
To preset frequently used
countdown timer settings to the
preset buttons
You can preset frequently used countdown times
to the 5 preset buttons.
1 Press TIMER SET/ON/OFF, and then select the
countdown time by pressing + or .
2 Press and hold the desired preset button
(1–5) until you hear a beep and the preset
number appears on the display.
To use the preset countdown timer
2 Press the desired preset button while
the preset countdown time are flashing on
the display.
The countdown starts with a beep.
• The default settings of the countdown timers are 3 minutes
(Button 1), 10 minutes (Button 2), 20 minutes (Button 3), 40
minutes (Button 4) and 60 minutes (Button 5). Once
presetting your own countdown timers, your settings will
overwrite the default settings.
• The preset countdown times will reset to the default
countdown times after about 60 seconds if the batteries are
removed from the unit. In this case, preset the countdown
times again.
• Even when the radio is turned off either by pressing / or by
the auto off timer function, the countdown continues to the
To check the station you are currently listening to while counting
down, press + or . The currently selected band and frequency
will appear on the display for a few seconds.
Do not install the appliance in a confined space, such as a
bookcase or built-in cabinet.
Do not expose the appliance to naked flame sources (for
example, lighted candles).
The nameplate and important information concerning safety are
located on the bottom exterior.
Batteries or batteries installed apparatus shall not be exposed to
excessive heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
Disposal of waste batteries and
electrical and electronic equipment
(applicable in the European Union
and other European countries with
separate collection systems)
Product Features
Protected against splashing water (IPX4 rating) for
use in a bathroom, shower, etc.
Scan tuning and manual tuning for FM and AM
Two timer functions: 90 minute countdown timer and
auto off timer.
5 preset memory buttons for easy tuning and easy
use of countdown timer.
Water resistant feature (Read
before using the radio)
Water resistance performance of this product
This product has a splash water resistance*
specification that is
equivalent to IPX4*
water resistance as specified in “Degrees of
protection against ingress of water” of the IEC60529 “Degrees of
protection provided by enclosures (IP Code).” Depending on
usage, water entering the unit may cause a fire, electric shock or
Use the radio with a full understanding of the following.
The battery compartment cover must be firmly closed and
Protected against splashing water from all directions with no
harmful effects to the radio's function.
Liquid* covered under the water resistance performance
Applicable Fresh water, tap water
Not applicable Liquids other than the above
(water with detergent or bath
agents, spring water, hot water,
pool water, seawater, etc.)
Do not use this product in the sea, pool, spring, or sauna. Salt
water, chlorine water, sulfur or high temperature water may
cause a malfunction.
The water resistance performance of this radio is based on
our measurements under the conditions described above.
Note that malfunctions as a result of water immersion
caused by misuse by the customer are not covered by the
For maintaining water resistance performance
Check the following items and use the radio properly.
• The battery compartment cover plays a very important role in
maintaining the water resistance performance. When using
the radio, be sure that the cover is firmly closed and locked
securely. When closing the cover, be careful not to allow
foreign objects, such as debris, hair, etc., to be caught in
between the rubber seal and the contact area of the back of
the cover. If the cover does not firmly close because of such
foreign objects, water may enter the battery compartment
and cause a malfunction. When foreign objects adhere to the
rubber seal or to the contact area of the back of the cover,
wipe them off using a soft, lint-free cloth.
• Be careful not to allow the FM wire antenna become caught
between the unit and the battery compartment cover when
closing the cover after taking out the antenna.
• Water resistance performance may not be maintained if
damage, dents or scratches occur on the surface of the rubber
seal. In addition, depending on the length of time that the
radio is used or the environment in which it is used, the
rubber seal may deform or crack. To maintain water resistance
performance, we recommend replacing the rubber seal once
a year. (Replacement is a fee-based service.) For details,
consult your nearest Sony dealer or service center.
Rubber seal
(light blue)
• This product is not water-pressure resistant. Because high
water pressure will be applied, do not immerse the unit in
water, or pour flushing water directly from the faucet. In
addition, do not pour flushing water directly from the shower
head when the distance between the shower head and the
unit is too close (less than about 30 cm (11
inches)). When
using shower equipment with jet shower functions for body
massage, be careful not to pour water directly onto the unit. If
water is poured directly onto the unit, water may enter the
unit because of the higher water pressure.
• Do not use or leave the radio in extremely hot (about above
40 °C (104 °F)) or cold (about below 0 °C (32 °F)) environments.
Water resistance performance may not be maintained
because of deformation or damage. If using the radio in an
environment below 0 °C (32 °F), moisture adhering to the unit
will freeze and the unit may malfunction.
• Do not pour high-temperature water or use a hair dryer or
similar device to blow hot air directly onto the unit to dry any
moisture that might be clinging to it. In addition, never use
the radio in high temperature locations such as in the sauna
or near the stove.
• Be careful not to drop the unit or subject it to mechanical
shock. Deformation or damage may cause a deterioration of
the water resistance performance.
How to care for the radio when wet
• If the radio is left wet for a long time, limescale or mold may
develop on the unit. Be sure to wipe off any moisture after
using the radio and dry the unit in a well-ventilated place.
• Particularly in cold regions, wipe off any moisture on the unit
after use, using a soft, dry cloth. Leaving moisture on the unit
may cause a malfunction if the moisture freezes.
• If water enters inside the speaker grills (inside the holes on
the front panel), the audio quality may sound strange but this
is not a malfunction. If this happens, place the front side of
the radio face down on a soft dry cloth or towel to allow the
water to drain from the grills. Then leave the radio at room
temperature and dry the unit until no moisture remains.
• Use the radio only on three R14 (size C) batteries (not
• Avoid exposure to temperature extremes, direct sunlight,
sand, dust or mechanical shock. Never leave in a car parked in
the sun.
• Should any solid object fall into the unit, remove the batteries,
and have the unit checked by a qualified personnel before
operating it any further.
• To clean the casing, use a soft dry cloth. Do not use any type
of solvent, such as alcohol or benzine, which may damage the
• Do not apply any shock or excessive impact to the unit. The
glass material of the display may break and cracks and shards
may cause injury. If the display is damaged, stop using the
unit and do not touch the broken or cracked parts.
Notes on battery replacement
• If water enters the battery compartment, remove the batteries
and wipe off the inside of the battery compartment and the
compartment cover, and let them dry. Be especially careful
not to leave any moisture around the battery terminals.
• Never replace the batteries with wet hands. Doing so may
cause an electric shock.
• When the battery power drops to a certain level, the sound
may become weak or distorted, and the battery indicator
) will start flashing on the display. After that, when the
batteries become fully exhausted, the status of the indicator
will change from “flashing” to“lit-up,” and the power will go
off. If this happens, replace all the batteries with new ones.
• Be sure to replace the batteries within 60 seconds after the
unit is turned off and the batteries are removed. Otherwise,
the settings such as for the clock, preset countdown timer
and preset stations will be initialized. Should this happen,
perform the necessary settings again. Note that the battery
indicator (
) will remain lit even after the batteries are
replaced. The battery indicator disappears when you turn on
the radio after battery replacement.
• Do not mix an old battery with a new one or mix different
types of batteries.
• Remove the batteries from the unit if the unit is not to be
used for an extended period of time. When using the radio
again, perform the necessary settings, such as for the clock,
presets for stations and countdown times.
• Battery installed devices shall not be exposed to excessive
heat such as sunshine, fire or the like.
In case of battery leakage
If battery fluid has leaked, do not touch the fluid with your bare
Battery fluid may remain inside the unit. Consult your nearest
Sony dealer.
If battery fluid gets into your eyes, do not rub your eyes, as
blindness may occur. Quickly wash your eyes with plenty of
clean water and immediately seek medical attention.
If battery fluid gets onto your body or clothing, burns or injury
may occur. Quickly wash off with clean water, and seek medical
attention if skin inflammation or injuries occur.
If you have any questions or problems concerning your unit,
please consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Should any problems persist after you have made the
following checks, consult your nearest Sony dealer.
Display is dim, or no indication is displayed.
• The radio is being used in extremely high or low
temperatures or in a place with excessive moisture.
Very weak or interrupted sound, or
unsatisfactory reception.
• Replace all the batteries with new ones if they are
• To improve radio reception, change the installation location
to a place such as near a window or door.
There is noise in the speaker output.
• If a mobile phone is placed close to the radio, a loud noise
may be heard from the radio. Keep the phone away from
the radio.
Batteries become exhausted very quickly.
• Be sure to turn off the radio when not using it. See “Battery
life” under “Specifications” for details about the estimated
battery life.
• When
starts flashing, replace all the batteries with
new ones.
• Batteries have a recommended use-by date for proper use.
When using expired batteries, battery life will be extremely
short. Check the use-by date on the batteries and if they are
expired, replace them with new ones.
The battery indicator ( ) remains lit even
after the batteries are replaced.
• Turn off the radio once, and then turn it on again.
• Check if all batteries are new ones.
A desired station cannot be received when a
preset button is pressed.
• You may have held down the preset button to which the
station was preset, causing the station to be replaced by a
new one. Preset the desired station again.
Time display
12-hour system/24-hour system (selectable)
Frequency range
87.5 MHz  108 MHz (50 kHz step)
531 kHz – 1,602 kHz (9 kHz step)
Intermediate frequency
FM: 128 kHz
AM: 45 kHz
Approx. 7.7 cm dia., 8 , monaural
Audio power output
500 mW
Power requirements
4.5 V DC, three R14 (size C) batteries
Battery life*
Approx. 100 hours (FM reception)
Approx. 100 hours (AM reception)
* When listening through the speaker on Sony (LR14SG)
alkaline batteries. Measured by JEITA (Japan Electronics and
Information Technology Industries Association) standards.
The actual battery life may vary depending on usage and
Dimensions (W/H/D)
Approx. 145 mm × 128.4 mm × 62.1 mm
Approx. 375 g (excl. batteries)
Approx. 575 g (incl. batteries)
Unit: 1
Strap belt: 1
Supplied accessory
Suction cup (1)
Design and specifications are subject to change without
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Getting Started
Install the batteries.
Insert three R14 (size C) batteries (not
supplied). Always insert the side of
the battery first.
Take out the FM
wire antenna.
Take out the FM wire antenna as shown
below, being careful not to allow the FM
wire antenna become caught between
the unit and the cover.
Slide the lock/unlock switch in the direction
of arrow (), and open the battery
compartment cover ().
Set the clock.
“0:00” (or “12:00 AM”) will flash on the display when the batteries are
inserted. Press and hold SET CLOCK until the hour indication starts
• The clock setting mode will be cancelled after about 65 seconds if there is no operation.
• The clock setting will reset to the factory default after about 60 seconds when you remove batteries from the unit. In such a case,
set the clock again.
Hour setting
Minute setting
Press + or – to set
the hour.
Press + or – to set the
Press ENTER to
confirm the hour
When attaching the cover, hold the cover firmly and slide the lock/unlock switch
to the LOCK position in the direction of the arrow ().
The clock display mode can be changed between the 24-hour system and
12-hour system while the unit is turned off by pressing + and the preset button
1 until you hear a beep.
To maintain water resistance performance, be sure that the battery compartment cover is firmly closed and
locked securely. For details, see “Water resistant feature (Read before using the radio).
Press and hold + or
 until the frequency
begins to change.
Auto scan tuning
The unit automatically scans the
frequency range for receivable stations.
Once a station is found, the unit receives
the radio signals of that station for
about 3 seconds, and then continues to
search for the next receivable station.
Press ENTER within 3 seconds
when you hear the 3-second
preview of the desired station.
Note that the unit starts
searching the next station if
you don't press ENTER.
You can tune to the desired station
manually. Use the manual tuning to
find a specific station, for example
when you know the frequency of the
station in advance.
Manual tuning
Press + or  repeatedly
until the desired
station is tuned in.
Display Example (when tuning
to an FM station)
Currently selected band
Press + or – once when the clock is displayed. The
frequency of the currently tuned station appears
on the display for a few seconds.
Repeatedly pressing the
button changes the
band as follows:
Press + or – once when the clock is displayed. The
frequency of the currently tuned station appears on the
display for a few seconds.
To change the preset station
1 Tune to a new station.
2 Press and hold the preset button
you want to change until you hear
a beep.
The preset station on the selected button
will be replaced by the new one.
Preset buttons
Example: Presetting a tuned station to
the preset button 1
Press and hold the
button until you
hear a beep.
The preset number lights up in
the upper right corner of the
display when the registration is
To prevent the preset from being
changed by mistake, do not hold
down the preset button for more
than 2 seconds.
If no station has been preset to the
pressed button, “– – –” appears (below),
and the unit returns to the frequency
before the button was pressed.
Example: Listening to the preset station registered
on the preset button 1
Select the FM or AM
Press the preset
button 1.
The frequency appears and
the preset number lights up on
the display, and you can listen
to the station registered on the
preset button 1.
Insert the tip of the FM wire antenna into
the suction cup.
When removing the wire antenna from the
suction cup, pinch the tip of the wire
antenna and remove it. Do not forcibly pull
the wire cord itself as this may cause the
wire antenna to break.
• When you close the battery
compartment cover with the FM wire
antenna in the wrong position, the
water resistance performance cannot
be maintained as the wire antenna is
caught between the unit and the
battery compartment cover. Guide
the wire antenna through the
notched part and then close the
compartment cover.
• When storing the wire antenna,
guide it through the groove and take
care it does not stick out from the
cable housing.
Taking out the wire antenna
Storing the wire antenna