Focus Wheel Multifunction Button
2. For lenses without a mechanical limit, calibration must be done by hand. Press the
focus wheel multifunction button twice to start calibration.
When the motor rotates to the starting point on the lens, physically stop the lens
rotation by hand. When the focus motor rotates in the opposite direction, stop the
lens rotation again when it reaches the other end of the focus end point.
Set Focus Motor Range
The range of the focus motor can be set by conrming Point A and B on the focus
wheel. Rotate the motor to the desired Point A and press the focus wheel multifunction
button to conrm. After Point A is conrmed, repeat the step to conrm Point B. Press
the focus wheel multifunction button again to delete Point A and B.
Press and hold the focus wheel multifunction button to reverse the rotational direction
of the focus motor.
Calibration is saved to the focus wheel automatically. If the gimbal is powered
o normally, and the focus motor and camera lens are not moved, there is no
need to calibrate the focus motor when it is powered on again. Otherwise,
recalibration is required.
DO NOT touch the gear of the focus motor during normal when it is rotating.
Only do so carefully during the manual calibration process.
Controlled by Ronin Focus Wheel
If controlled by the focus wheel, select the Dial Functions as either Focus, ISO,
Aperture, or Roll Axis. DO NOT select as Focus Motor. When connected properly, the
focus motor can be controlled by the focus wheel. Refer to the Ronin Focus Wheel
Product Information for more details.
The focus motor can be used before calibration, but the range that the focus wheel
can rotate the motor will be limited. After calibration, the focus wheel will be able to
fully rotate the motor.
Calibrating Procedure
1. Lenses with a mechanical limit are calibrated automatically. Press the focus wheel
multifunction button twice to calibrate the focus motor.