Quando retirar
Ta bort
Пpи yдaлeнии
When removing
When removing
When removing
Antes de utilizar esta objectiva de teleconversão, leia este manual até ao fim e
guarde-o para consulta futura.
A lente de teleconversão VCL-ES20A da Sony destina-se a ser utilizada com as
câmaras de vídeo e com as máquinas fotográficas digital da Sony. A objectiva
aumenta a distância focal de zoom para o dobro.
A montagem desta objectiva na câmara de vídeo não tem efeitos sobre a
transmissão da luz ou a nitidez de focagem.
Notas sobre a utilização
• Regule a câmara de vídeo para a posição T (ângulo máximo teleobjectiva). Esta
objectiva só pode ser utilizada se a regulação for T (teleobjectiva). Se a regular
para W (grande angular) será eclipsada.
• Manuseie a câmara com cuidado e não a exponha a choques fortes, sobretudo
com a lente montada.
• Evite guardar a objectiva, durante muito tempo, num local muito quente ou
húmido para evitar o bolor.
• Quando transportar a câmara retire a objectiva de teleconversão.
• Não guarde a objectiva sem colocar a tampa respectiva.
Montagem (Consulte as figuras)
O tamanho está indicado no adaptador do acessório.
Se a tampa da objectiva da câmara de vídeo for amovível, retire-a primeiro.
1 Monte um adaptador cuja marca tenha um tamanho igual ao da objectiva.
t 1
2 Retire as tampas da objectiva de teleconversão.
3 Monte bem a objectiva de teleconversão no adaptador instalado na câmara de
vídeo. t 2
• Foque utilizando o anel de focagem da câmara de vídeo olhando para o visor
electrónico ou o ecrã do monitor.
• Utilize a focagem manual se tiver dificuldades de focagem nalgumas câmara
de vídeo equipadas com a função de focagem manual.
Notas sobre a focagem
• Quando utilizar a função PROGRAM AE, faça a focagem manualmente. Se
regular a focagem para AUTO, esta pode não ficar nítida.
• Se regular a focagem para o modo infinito, esta não fica nítida.
Para retirar a sujidade da objectiva, utilize a escova de um soprador ou uma
escova de limpeza macia.
Para retirar as dedadas ou manchas, limpe com um detergente suave e um pano
Características técnicas
2 ×
Estrutura da objectiva
3 grupos, 3 elementos
Diâmetro máximo Aprox. ø 58 mm (2
polegadas), Comprimento aprox. 48 mm
Peso (excluindo as tampas e os adaptadores)
Aprox. 100 g
Acessórios fornecidos
Tampas da objectiva (2) (para a parte da frente e a parte de trás da objectiva),
Estojo de transporte (1), Manual de instruções (1), Adaptador (3: 30 mm (1
polegadas), 37 mm (1
polegadas), 52 mm (2
Design e características técnicas sujeitas a alterações sem aviso prévio.
Esta marca indica que este produto é um acessório genuíno
para produtos de vídeo da Sony. Quando adquirir produtos de
vídeo da Sony, deve adquirir acessórios com a marca
Innan du använder den här teleobjektivet bör du läsa igenom handledningen
noga och sedan spara den för framtida bruk.
Sonys teleobjektiv VCL-ES20A är konstruerat för Sonys videokameror och
digitala stillbildskameror. Objektivet ökar teleobjektivets brännvidd 2 gånger.
När du fäster det här objektivet på kameran påverkar du vare sig ljusflöde eller
• Ställ videokameran på T (maximum tele). Det här objektivet kan bara
användas i läget T (tele). I läget W (vidvinkel) förmörkas det.
• Hantera objektivet varsamt och undvik att utsätta kameran för stötar, särskilt
när objektivet är monterat på den.
• Undvik att förvara objektivet någon längre tid där det är varmt och fuktigt, så
undviker du mögelbildning.
• Ta bort objektivet under transporter.
• Förvara alltid objektivet med linsskyddet monterat.
Montering (se illustrationerna)
Storleken är markerad på tillbehörsadaptern.
Om kamerans motljusskydd är löstagbart, bör du först ta bort det.
1 Montera en adapter som är märkt med samma storlek som objektivet. t 1
2 Ta av skyddslocken på teleobjektivet.
3 Fäst teleobjektivet ordentligt på den adapter som är fäst på videokameran.
t 2
• Ställ in fokus med videokamerans fokusring samtidigt som du granskar bilden
i sökaren eller på bildskärmen.
• På vissa videokameror kan det vara svårt att få den automatiska fokuseringen
att fungera. I så fall ställer du in skärpan manuellt.
Om fokusering
• Om du använder funktionen PROGRAM AE bör du utföra skärpeinställningen
manuellt. Om du ställer fokuseringen på AUTO kan det hända att du inte får
fullgod skärpa.
• Om du ställer fokus på oändligheten får du ingen skärpa.
Blås bort damm från objektivet med en blåsborste eller en mjuk linsborste.
Om du behöver torka bort fingeravtryck eller fastsittande smuts, kan du
använda ett milt rengöringsmedel och en mjuk duk.
2 ×
Linsens uppbyggnad
3 grupper, 3 element
Max diameter ca. ø 58 mm, längd ca. 48 mm
Vikt (utan skyddslock och adaptrar)
ca. 100 g
Medföljande tillbehör
Skyddslock (2) (för objektivets fram- och baksida), Bärväska (1), Bruksanvisning
(1), Adapter (3: 30 mm, 37 mm, 52 mm)
Rätt till ändring av mått och specifikationer förbehålles.
Det här märket visar att produkten är ett originaltillbehör till
Sonys videoprodukter. Du rekommenderas att alltid köpa
tillbehör som är märkta med det här märket, “GENUINE
Pyccкий яэык
Пepeд иcпользовaниeм этого тeлeобъeктивa внимaтeльно пpочтитe,
пожaлyйcтa, дaнноe pyководcтво и cоxpaнитe eго для дaльнeйшиx cпpaвок.
Teлeобъeктив Sony VCL-ES20A пpeднaзнaчeн для иcпользовaния c
видeокaмepой или цифpовой фотокaмepой Sony. Этот объeктив в 2 paзa
yвeличивaeт фокycноe paccтояниe тpaнcфокaтоpa.
Пpиcоeдинeниe этого объeктивa к видeокaмepe нe влияeт ни нa пepeдaчy
cвeтa, ни нa чeткоcть фокycиpовки.
Пpимeчaния по иcпользовaнию
• Пepeвeдитe видeокaмepy в peжим T (мaкcимaльного выдвижeния объeктивa).
Этот объeктив можно иcпользовaть только в peжимe T (выдвижной
объeктив). Ecли ycтaновлeн peжим W (шиpокоyгольный), фокycиpовкa бyдeт
• He допycкaйтe гpyбого обpaщeния c видeокaмepой или мexaничecкиx yдapов
по нeй, оcобeнно, когдa пpикpeплeн этот объeктив.
• He оcтaвляйтe этот объeктив нa длитeльноe вpeмя в мecтax c повышeнной
тeмпepaтypой или влaжноcтью во избeжaниe появлeния плeceни.
• Пpи тpaнcпоpтиpовкe этот объeктив cлeдyeт cнять.
• Пpи xpaнeнии обязaтeльно зaкpывaйтe объeктив кpышкой.
Пpикpeплeниe (cм. pиcyнки)
Paзмep yкaзaн нa aдaптepe дополнитeльныx ycтpойcтв.
Ecли блeндa объeктивa нa видeокaмepe cъeмнaя, cнaчaлa cнимитe блeндy.
1 Уcтaновитe aдaптep, cоотвeтcтвyющий paзмepy объeктивa. t 1
2 Cнимитe кpышки тeлeобъeктивa.
3 Aккypaтно пpиcоeдинитe тeлeобъeктив к aдaптepy, зaкpeплeнномy нa
видeокaмepe. t 2
• Bыполнитe фокycиpовкy c помощью кольцa фокycиpовки видeокaмepы, глядя
в видоиcкaтeль или нa экpaн монитоpa.
• Поcколькy фокycиpовкa нa нeкотоpыx кaмepax c фyнкциeй aвтомaтичecкой
фокycиpовки зaтpyднeнa, иcпользyйтe pyчнyю фокycиpовкy.
Зaмeчaния по фокycиpовкe
• Пpи иcпользовaнии фyнкции PROGRAM AE выполняйтe фокycиpовкy
видeокaмepы вpyчнyю. Ecли для фокycиpовки ycтaновлeн peжим AUTO,
фокycиpовкa можeт быть нeчeткой.
• Ecли ycтaновлeн peжим бecконeчного фокyca, фокycиpовкa бyдeт нeчeткой.
Для yдaлeния пыли c объeктивa иcпользyйтe щeткy пылecоca или мягкyю щeткy
для чиcтки.
Для yдaлeния отпeчaтков пaльцeв или пятeн иcпользyйтe cлaбый pacтвоp
моющeго cpeдcтвa и мягкyю ткaнь.
Texничecкиe xapaктepиcтики
Oптичecкaя cилa объeктивa
2 ×
Cтpyктypa объeктивa
3 гpyппы, 3 элeмeнтa
Maкcимaльный диaмeтp пpибл. ø 58 мм, длинa пpибл. 48 мм
Macca (бeз кpышeк и aдaптepов)
Пpибл. 100 г
Пpилaгaeмыe пpинaдлeжноcти
Кpышки объeктивa (2) (для пepeднeй и зaднeй cтоpоны объeктивa), фyтляp для
пepeноcки (1), pyководcтво по экcплyaтaции (1), aдaптep (3: 30 мм, 37 мм, 52 мм)
Конcтpyкция и тexничecкиe xapaктepиcтики могyт измeнятьcя бeз
пpeдвapитeльного yвeдомлeния.
Дaннaя мeткa ознaчaeт, что это издeлиe являeтcя подлинной
пpинaдлeжноcтью для видeоaппapaтypы Sony. Пpи покyпкe
видeоaппapaтypы Sony peкомeндyeтcя пpиобpeтaть для нee
пpинaдлeжноcти Sony c мeткой “GENUINE VIDEO
Before using this tele-conversion lens, please read this manual thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
The Sony VCL-ES20A tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony
video camera recorder and digital still camera. The lens increases the focal
length of the zoom lens by 2 times.
Attachment of this lens to the video camera recorder has no effect on light
transmission nor on the sharpness of focus.
Notes on use
• Set the video camera to T (maximum telescopic point). This lens can only be
used when set to T (telescopic). It will be eclipsed if set to W (wide).
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder,
especially when the lens is attached.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very hot or humid place for a long period of time
to prevent mold.
• Take the conversion lens off when transporting.
• Always attach the lens cap when storing.
Attachment (See illustrations)
The size is marked on the accessory adaptor.
When the lens hood of the video camera recorder is detachable, first remove the
lens hood.
1 Install an adaptor marked with the same size as the lens. t 1
2 Remove the caps of tele-conversion lens.
3 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the adaptor attached to the video
camera recorder. t 2
• Focus with the video camera recorder’s focus ring by watching the viewfinder
or monitor screen.
• Use manual focus if it proves difficult to focus some video cameras having an
auto focus function.
Notes on focusing
• Focus the video camera manually when using the PROGRAM AE function. If
you set focus to AUTO mode, focus may not be clear.
• If you set focus to infinity mode, focus is unclear.
To remove dust on the lens, use a blower brush or a soft cleaning brush.
To remove fingerprints or smudges, clean with mild detergent and a soft cloth.
2 ×
Lens structure
3 groups, 3 elements
Maximum diameter Approx. ø 58 mm (2
inch), Length Approx. 48 mm
Mass (excluding the caps and adaptors)
Approx. 100 g
Accessories supplied
Lens caps (2) (for the front and back of the lens), Carrying Pouch (1),
Instruction manual (1), Adaptors (3: 30 mm (1
inch), 37 mm (1
52 mm (2
inch) )
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this
Before using this tele-conversion lens, please read this manual thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
The Sony VCL-ES20A tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony
video camera recorder and digital still camera. The lens increases the focal length
of the zoom lens by 2 times.
Attachment of this lens to the video camera recorder has no effect on light
transmission nor on the sharpness of focus.
Notes on use
• Set the video camera to T (maximum telescopic point). This lens can only be
used when set to T (telescopic). It will be eclipsed if set to W (wide).
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder,
especially when the lens is attached.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very hot or humid place for a long period of time
to prevent mold.
• Take the conversion lens off when transporting.
• Always attach the lens cap when storing.
Attachment (See illustrations)
The size is marked on the accessory adaptor.
When the lens hood of the video camera recorder is detachable, first remove the
lens hood.
1 Install an adaptor marked with the same size as the lens. t 1
2 Remove the caps of tele-conversion lens.
3 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the adaptor attached to the video
camera recorder. t 2
• Focus with the video camera recorder’s focus ring by watching the viewfinder
or monitor screen.
• Use manual focus if it proves difficult to focus some video cameras having an
auto focus function.
Notes on focusing
• Focus the video camera manually when using the PROGRAM AE function. If
you set focus to AUTO mode, focus may not be clear.
• If you set focus to infinity mode, focus is unclear.
To remove dust on the lens, use a blower brush or a soft cleaning brush.
To remove fingerprints or smudges, clean with mild detergent and a soft cloth.
2 ×
Lens structure
3 groups, 3 elements
Maximum diameter Approx. ø 58 mm (2
inch), Length Approx. 48 mm
Mass (excluding the caps and adaptors)
Approx. 100 g
Accessories supplied
Lens caps (2) (for the front and back of the lens), Carrying Pouch (1),
Instruction manual (1), Adaptors (3: 30 mm (1
inch), 37 mm (1
52 mm (2
inch) )
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this
BBefore using this tele-conversion lens, please read this manual thoroughly and
retain it for future reference.
The Sony VCL-ES20A tele-conversion lens is designed for use with the Sony
video camera recorder and digital still camera. The lens increases the focal length
of the zoom lens by 2 times.
Attachment of this lens to the video camera recorder has no effect on light
transmission nor on the sharpness of focus.
Notes on use
• Set the video camera to T (maximum telescopic point). This lens can only be
used when set to T (telescopic). It will be eclipsed if set to W (wide).
• Avoid rough handling or mechanical shock to the video camera recorder,
especially when the lens is attached.
• Avoid keeping the lens in a very hot or humid place for a long period of time
to prevent mold.
• Take the conversion lens off when transporting.
• Always attach the lens cap when storing.
Attachment (See illustrations)
The size is marked on the accessory adaptor.
When the lens hood of the video camera recorder is detachable, first remove the
lens hood.
1 Install an adaptor marked with the same size as the lens. t 1
2 Remove the caps of tele-conversion lens.
3 Attach the tele-conversion lens firmly to the adaptor attached to the video
camera recorder. t 2
• Focus with the video camera recorder’s focus ring by watching the viewfinder
or monitor screen.
• Use manual focus if it proves difficult to focus some video cameras having an
auto focus function.
Notes on focusing
• Focus the video camera manually when using the PROGRAM AE function. If
you set focus to AUTO mode, focus may not be clear.
• If you set focus to infinity mode, focus is unclear.
To remove dust on the lens, use a blower brush or a soft cleaning brush.
To remove fingerprints or smudges, clean with mild detergent and a soft cloth.
2 ×
Lens structure
3 groups, 3 elements
Maximum diameter Approx. ø 58 mm (2
inch), Length Approx. 48 mm
Mass (excluding the caps and adaptors)
Approx. 100 g
Accessories supplied
Lens caps (2) (for the front and back of the lens), Carrying Pouch (1),
Instruction manual (1), Adaptors (3: 30 mm (1
inch), 37 mm (1
52 mm (2
inch) )
Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
This mark indicates that this product is a genuine accessory for
Sony video products. When purchasing Sony video products,
Sony recommends that you purchase accessories with this